Students’ Rights and Responsibilities

As a student-centered institution, Wilson Community College is committed to providing educational opportunities and skills development to all eligible persons in Wilson County and the surrounding area. The College is also committed to ensuring a safe, secure, supportive academic environment in which students can learn and employees can work.  This is best accomplished in an environment that fosters individual responsibility and concern for others.

The College is a caring community where the well-being of each member is supported and service to others is encouraged.  It is an open community where freedom of expression is protected and civility is expected.  All members of the College community and visitors to campus have the right to be treated with respect and dignity.  The College expects no less from everyone on our campus.  These expectations stem from, and are enforced by government statutes, College policies, and an institutional emphasis on academic integrity and honesty.

You can expect:

  • Excellence in teaching
  • Encouragement of innovation and creativity
  • A free exchange of ideas
  • To be given the opportunity to be heard and to appeal or file a complaint
  • Respect for cultural diversity
  • Services to maximize your academic success

Students play a vital role in fostering and maintaining a quality academic environment for themselves and others.  Consequently you are expected to:

  • Attend classes regularly and on time
  • Strive for personal growth
  • Treat others with courtesy, civility, and respect
  • Demonstrate personal and academic integrity and honesty
  • Comply with federal, state, and local laws and regulations and College policies
  • Contribute to the marketplace of ideas
  • Make a positive contribution to the diverse environment at the College
  • Share responsibility for maintaining a safe campus

You can learn more about specific student rights and responsibilities in the following areas from the College catalog, the Student Handbook, and the College website:

Academic Appeals

Students have the right to appeal grades received on individual assignments and course grades.  Students also have the right to appeal sanctions imposed for academic dishonesty and course or curriculum dismissal.

  • Grade Appeals
  • Course / curriculum dismissal
  • Course load
  • Appeal  of sanction for academic dishonesty

Academic Forgiveness

Students may apply for academic forgiveness of grades earned at the College when the student
has not been enrolled for three or more years, is currently enrolled and has a minimum of 12 semester hours of college credit, and a GPA of 2.5 or higher.

Admission, Registration, & Denial of Admission

The College has an Open Door / Guided Placement admissions policy that complies with state law.  Some restrictions apply with respect to international students, undocumented persons, transfer students, special credit students, and persons whose presence on the campus would potentially be a violation of state law.  The College has the right to deny admission to any person who is currently on suspension or expulsion from another educational institution or who is seen to pose an articulable, imminent, and significant threat to themselves or others.  Such an individual has the right to appeal.

Attendance Policies

Attendance begins with the first day of class and students must attend class on or before the 10 percent point to be considered enrolled. Failure to attend class by the 10 percent point will result in the student being withdrawn from the course as a “Never Attended” classification. After the 10 percent point, faculty may withdraw a student from a course after two consecutive weeks of nonattendance. Nonattendance is defined as missing weekly regularly scheduled class meetings, in addition to not completing or participating in any assignments or course activities during that period.

Disability Services

Students with documented disabilities for which they seek academic or physical accommodations must self-identify, provide adequate documentation, and must meet with the Special Populations Counselor as soon as possible after admission and registration to allow for sufficient time to arrange for accommodations.  Such students also have the right of appeal with respect to what constitutes eligibility and reasonable accommodations.

Disciplinary and Due Process Procedures

Students who are charged with disciplinary offenses always have the right to be heard and to present evidence and testimony in support of their position.  They also have the right to two levels of appeal of any disciplinary sanction that is imposed.

Discrimination and/or Harassment & Title IX Protection

Wilson Community College does not discriminate or permit discrimination by any member of its community against any individual on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, disability, family status, veteran status, genetic information, or citizenship.  Harassment that is based on any protected class is a form of discrimination and is not tolerated.  Everyone has a responsibility for creating an atmosphere that is free of discrimination and harassment.

Everyone that is a part of the College community has a right to review campus safety information and campus, and near-campus, crime statistics.  They also have a right to voice their questions or concerns and to file a complaint.

Education Records

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), gives students have the right to review, inspect, and amend their own educational records kept by the College and limits the access to those records by others and the release of such information to others without the permission of the student.  Information designated as Directory Information can be shared without permission unless the student requests that directory information not be released.  Students have the right to file a FERPA complaint with the College and the US Department of Education.

Financial Aid or Veterans Benefits Eligibility

Students who receive any form of financial aid must meet federal, state, and local requirements
to initially qualify for aid and to maintain their eligibility.  If an applicant or student is determined to be ineligible, they have the right to appeal.

Free Speech and Public Assembly

The College recognizes and supports the rights of free speech.  The College also recognizes its responsibility to protect the academic environment and to protect everyone from interference, disruption, or disturbance.  As such, the College has adopted policies and procedures to set forth reasonable time, place, location, and manner restrictions concerning acts of expression and dissent.

Grievance Procedures / Complaints


If a student has concerns regarding classroom management, policies, instructional methods or effectiveness, or fairness of evaluation, the student should first attempt to resolve their concerns with the instructor.  If the student’s concerns are not resolved, the student may file a formal grievance. 

Student Complaint Form

The US Department of Education requires that all colleges and universities make a state-level complaint process available to all their students. To file a complaint concerning a postsecondary institution offering degree programs in North Carolina, please fill out the Student Complaint Form NCCCS and follow the directions on the form.

General / Other

The same opportunity exists for resolving concerns or complaints related to college policies or procedures, the application of those policies and procedures, or their experience at the College that are not specifically covered by another complaint/appeals process.  In such a case, the student may file a formal complaint with the Dean of Student Development.  See College catalog and/or the College website for details.

Refund Policies

Tuition and fees refund policies are set by the State.  Refund policies related to the College bookstore are set locally.  A student who disagrees with the application of refund policies can voice those concerns and ask for reconsideration to the Dean of Student Development and/or the Business Office.

Residency for Tuition Purposes

In order to qualify for in-state tuition, a legal resident must have maintained his or her domicile (one’s permanent dwelling place of indefinite duration) in North Carolina for at least 12 months immediately prior to his or her classification as a resident for tuition purposes.  Applicants or students who disagree with their residency classification may appeal their classification to the College Residency Appeals Committee and to the State Residence Appeals Committee.

State and Federal Laws

College students are members of local, state, national, and the College communities and are, therefore, expected to conduct themselves as law abiding members of each community at all times.  The campus is protected by Wilson Community College Police Department and officers from the Wilson Police Department.  Each officer is a sworn officer that is vested with all law enforcement rights and responsibilities to enforce federal, state, and local laws as well as College policies.

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Weather Update

Due to the threat of inclement weather, WCC will be closed on Friday, February 21. Instruction will shift to remote learning and staff members will respond to inquiries by phone and email. Weekend classes will run as scheduled.