New Student Orientation is an important part of your Wilson Community College experience. All new students and re-admitted students are required to attend mandatory new student orientation. At orientation, you will learn about paying for college, registering for classes, community standards, safety on campus, and resources that are designed to help you succeed.
Sign up for New Student Orientation
On-Campus Orientation
We offer several one-hour orientation programs which allows you to meet other new students, learn about the technology we use on campus, and hear about the people on campus that will help support and guide you through the completion of your program.Online Orientation
If you are unable to attend an on-campus orientation, you may enroll in the online program. The online program is designed to be at-your-own-pace and is offered through Moodle (our online learning management system). Students will have a registration hold on their account until they complete orientation. Attend early so you receive the information you need to succeed and you will be able to register on time for the next semester.FOR MORE INFORMATION, CONTACT:

Outreach & Engagement Coordinator
Department: Student Development
Phone: (252) 246-1343
Office: F100h