Student Aid Resource Guide

Student Aid Resource Guide, Wilson Community College

The Wilson Community College Financial Aid Office strives to provide students with options to help make the cost of education affordable. Financial assistance may be available through federal, state, and institutional aid programs, as well as scholarships. Most aid requires students to file new applications each school year.

Types of Aid


Grants provide free financial assistance and generally do not have to be repaid. The college awards federal grants (Pell & Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant) and the North Carolina Scholarship for Community Colleges. Students can apply online. Visit the Financial Aid page for more details.

Finish Line Grant: In partnership with NCCCS and Wilson Community College, students who have completed at least 25% of their program of study and are in good academic standing can apply for the grant. Approval is subject to eligibility and the availability of funds. Visit the Finish Line Grant page for more details.

Work Study

This program allows eligible students to work on campus and get paid for the hours worked. The current rate of pay is $9.00 per hour. Students must complete the Free Application for Federal Aid (FAFSA), demonstrate financial need, and make satisfactory academic progress. The work-study application is available on the Federal Work Study Program page.


The college offers various local scholarships each academic year. Scholarships are a free type of assistance and have specific criteria for eligibility. The annual scholarship application is posted on the website at the beginning of July. Applications for additional scholarships are posted when they become available.

Next NC Scholarship: Students attending Wilson Community College may receive up to $3,000 in a new scholarship opportunity.  If approved, that is more than the cost of full-time tuition at WCC. This means you may have up to 100% of your tuition and fees paid. In addition to tuition, it may include fees, books, food, and housing. Students that have greater financial hardships could qualify for even more assistance to ease the burden of paying for college. 

NEXt NC ScholarshipTo receive the Next NC Scholarship, you must be:

  1. A North Carolina resident who is eligible for in-state tuition
  2. A high school graduate (high school equivalency completers are eligible)
  3. From a household with an annual Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) of $80,000 or less
  4. Enrolled in an eligible undergraduate curriculum program for the 2024-2025 academic year
  5. Taking at least 6 credit hours per semester (part-time students will receive a partial award)
  6. Meeting the Satisfactory Academic Progress standards of the school you plan to attend
  7. A student who has completed the 2024-2025 FAFSA, with a resulting Student Aid Index (SAI) at or below 7,500 (once complete, the financial aid office at the college/university you plan to attend will determine and confirm eligibility.)
  8. For a deeper look at the eligibility requirements, read click here

For questions regarding the Next NC Scholarship, please contact Financial Aid at 252-246-1344.


Federal Loans: The college participates in the William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan program. This program provides subsidized and unsubsidized loans to students. Students must complete a Free Application for Federal Aid (FAFSA) and the Direct Loan steps listed on the William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan Program Loan page.

Institutional Loans: The college offers a limited amount of funding to help offset tuition and textbook costs for students. Students do not have to meet specific criteria, but loans are provided on a first-come, first-served basis. Additional details are available on the In-House Loans page.

Half Tuition Loans:  The college offers a loan for half of the tuition. Students can contact the Financial Aid Office at 252-246-1417 or email to complete a loan form. The loan balance must be paid by the midpoint of the semester.

Book Loans: Up to $250 is available per semester. Students can contact the Financial Aid Office to complete a loan form. The loan balance is due within 30 days.

Childcare Assistance

The college offers this program to assist students with childcare expenses. Students do not have to meet specific criteria for the childcare grant, but preference is given to those with financial need. Funds for this program are limited. The application is posted as available on the College’s website.

Veteran’s Educational Assistance

The Department of Veteran Affairs provides a number of educational benefits to qualified veterans and/or dependents. Members of the selected reserve, war orphans, National Guard, students who have completed active tours of duty in the armed forces, and qualified dependents/spouses of veterans may be eligible for assistance. For additional details, visit the Veterans Services page. 

Other Student Resources

Wilson Workforce Center

The Wilson Workforce Center offers employment services, education, training, and support services to Wilson County residents to help maximize job search efforts. The center is located in Building A. 

Student Assistance Program (SAP)

The Student Assistance Program (SAP) is a college-sponsored benefit that offers support and resources needed to address personal or school-related challenges and concerns. It’s confidential and free to students and their household family members.

Food Pantry

The WCC Food Pantry is open to ALL current Wilson Community College students. Students may visit the pantry Monday – Thursday 8 AM – 5 PM & Friday 8 AM – 3 PM. Summer hours may vary and the Food Pantry will be closed when the College is closed. The pantry is located in Building F.


Wolf Care is a team of college professionals available to provide coordinated support to help students access resources, overcome obstacles, and develop skills that lead to academic success. 

TRiO Student Support Services

The Student Support Services (SSS) program provides opportunities for academic development, assists students with basic college requirements, and serves to motivate students toward the successful completion of their postsecondary education. The program also may provide grant aid to current SSS participants who are receiving Federal Pell Grants. The goal of SSS is to increase the college retention and graduation rates of its participants and help students make the transition from one level of higher education to the next.

More Than a Job NC

The More Than a Job NC program gives eligible individuals a chance to pursue various education pathways and workforce credentials.

Food, housing, health & more

The Community College Resource Finder platform powered by is a tool to help connect students with social services for food, shelter, healthcare, work, financial assistance, and more. 

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Weather Update

Due to the threat of inclement weather, WCC will be closed on Friday, February 21. Instruction will shift to remote learning and staff members will respond to inquiries by phone and email. Weekend classes will run as scheduled.