Technology Support Services

The Technology Support Services is located in Building A, Room 106, and provides assistance for IT services such as:

  • Moodle
  • Office 365
  • Student Planning
  • Wireless Access

Logging In

Moodle, Office 365/Email, and Student Planning login credentials are now synced. Students should use their Office 365 email address and password to login to these systems.

Email address = first name initial, last name initial, last four digits of WCC Student ID followed by
Username = firstname initial, lastname initial, last four digits of WCC Student ID.
Password = First 2 letters of last name (the first letter is capital), 6-digit birthdate (MMDDYY)

Example: John Doe, DOB: 5/24/1978, ID: 0123456
Moodle/Student Planning/Office 365 Email Address:
Password: Do052478

Computer Hardware and Software Recommendations

Security Awareness

Important Links

On Site Assistance

Visit the Technology Support Services offices for assistance during normal business hours.

Building A Room 106
Monday-Thursday 8:00 – 5:00

Contact Information

Assistance is available during normal business hours by e-mail or phone. Anytime you experience login issues, you can contact our 24 hour support line for assistance with Moodle, Office 365/Email, or Student Planning login issues.

Frequently Reported Issues

Users should log into Moodle using their college issued username and password.

Example: John Doe, DOB: 5/24/1978, ID: 0123456
Moodle Username: jd3456
Password: Do052478

Have you recently reset your password? Password resets can take up to 30 minutes to take effect in Office 365.

Users should login into Office 365/Email using their college issued email address and password.

Example: John Doe, DOB: 5/24/1978, ID: 0123456
Office 365/Email Username:
Password: Do052478

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Weather Update

Due to the threat of inclement weather, WCC will be closed on Friday, February 21. Instruction will shift to remote learning and staff members will respond to inquiries by phone and email. Weekend classes will run as scheduled.