Frequently Asked Questions

Continuing Education provides quality instruction in non-degree and non-diploma educational activities for area adults. Continuing Education courses do not earn academic credit. These courses are designed to provide specific knowledge and/or upgrade skills. Programs of instruction are designed to lead some students to achieve basic skills proficiencies and enable them to obtain their high school diploma or high school equivalency (GED). A variety of courses are offered to meet vocational, avocational, cultural, intellectual, social, and recreational interests. Other programs are designed to provide occupational training for existing, new, and expanding industries and individuals at all levels of employment.

To be eligible to enroll in Continuing Education courses, students must be 18 years of age, or secure their principal’s permission if they are 16 or 17 years of age and enrolled in high school.
Note: Some programs have age requirements for admittance set by external agencies (i.e. Nurse Aide I and II, Fire Academy, EMT).


No. You do not have to be admitted as a Wilson Community College student to take continuing education courses.

Continuing Education courses do not earn academic credit, however, some award continuing education units (CEUs).

The Continuing Education Unit is used as a basic unit of measurement for an individual’s participation in Continuing Education non-credit classes, courses and programs. The college awards CEUs to individuals who successfully complete a course which has been organized to provide unified and systematic instruction in occupational courses.

If you have questions about a specific course or program contact the Division of Continuing Education at (252) 291-1195.


Classes are taught by qualified experts in the area of instruction. Instructors may be Wilson Community College faculty members, professionals, or someone with advanced experience in the topic of instruction. In some cases the college partners with regional and national training providers.


Pre-registration is required for all classes, with the exception of Basic Skills, HRD, and off-campus classes. You must register by the date listed with the course title. No registrations will be taken in the classroom with the exception of Basic Skills, HRD, and off-campus classes.

Yes. There are limited funds available for Continuing Education scholarships. Contact the Division of Continuing Education at (252) 291-1195 for information on your specific area of interest.

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Weather Update

Due to the threat of inclement weather, WCC will be closed on Friday, February 21. Instruction will shift to remote learning and staff members will respond to inquiries by phone and email. Weekend classes will run as scheduled.