Each semester, WCC offers a limited amount of funding to help offset up-front tuition costs for students. This funding is offered on a first-come, first-serve basis only.

Who is eligible?
Any curriculum student who is not currently eligible for federal financial aid assistance can apply for the half-tuition loan.

How does it work?
Once the student has registered for their courses, they will visit the Financial Aid Office (F-105). The loan paperwork will be completed based on the current tuition charges, and the student will be responsible for paying half of their tuition and all applicable fees by the due date.

The student will then have an extended period to repay the remaining balance of their tuition, typically two weeks prior to early registration for the next semester.

To pay your Half-tuition loan you will need to contact the cashier’s office at 252-246-1201 or 252-246-1259.

Please note: Half-tuition loan paperwork cannot be completed until the student is actively registered for classes.

Will I have to pay interest on the half-tuition loan?
There is no interest charged on the half-tuition loan, the loan is similar to a payment plan rather than a traditional loan. Some loans do have a $5.00 processing fee, this will be clearly noted on the loan paperwork.

For more information contact:

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Weather Update

Due to the threat of inclement weather, WCC will be closed on Friday, February 21. Instruction will shift to remote learning and staff members will respond to inquiries by phone and email. Weekend classes will run as scheduled.