
Numerous scholarship opportunities are available throughout the academic year to assist students with educational expenses while enrolled at Wilson Community College. Many of these scholarships are awarded through the WCC Foundation.

WCC Scholarships

Wilson Community College offers a number of scholarships each year. Students must complete an application to be considered for a WCC Scholarship.

Application Deadline: August 23, 2024

WCC 2024-2025 Scholarship Application

Frequently Asked Questions

Scholarship Recipients

You can see a list of previous scholarship recipients here.

External Scholarships

North Carolina Community Foundation (NCCF)

*Note that this scholarship is not affiliated with Wilson Community College.

Gilbert Scholarship

The Gilbert Scholarship is an opportunity for students who have spent time in foster care. 

Additional requirements include:

  • 2.0 minimum GPA
  • Must have spent time in foster care
  • Must be attending a NC college

Interested applicants that meet the criteria are encouraged to apply using the link below.

Gilbert Scholarship Application Form.

*Note that this scholarship is not affiliated with Wilson Community College.

The Golden LEAF Scholars Program

Wilson Community College has a limited number of Golden Leaf scholarships available. Students enrolled in a curriculum program meeting the following criteria may apply for the scholarship.

Eligible students must:

  • Be enrolled at least full-time for fall and spring; Grants for less-than-full-time students will be prorated based on hours of enrollment and pending availability of funds;
  • Demonstrate financial need as determined by the FAFSA;
  • Be a resident of North Carolina; and
  • Reside in a rural county that is tobacco-dependent, or economically distressed, as determined by the Golden LEAF Foundation.  Please review the list of eligible counties here.

Application Deadline: November 6, 2024

2024-2025 Golden LEAF Scholarship Application

Next NC Scholarship

Students attending Wilson Community College may receive up to $3,000 in a new scholarship opportunity.  If approved, that is more than the cost of full-time tuition at WCC. This means you may have up to 100% of your tuition and fees paid. In addition to tuition, it may include fees, books, food, and housing. Students that have greater financial hardships could qualify for even more assistance to ease the burden of paying for college. 

NEXt NC ScholarshipTo receive the Next NC Scholarship, you must be:

  1. A North Carolina resident who is eligible for in-state tuition
  2. A high school graduate (high school equivalency completers are eligible)
  3. From a household with an annual Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) of $80,000 or less
  4. Enrolled in an eligible undergraduate curriculum program for the 2024-2025 academic year
  5. Taking at least 6 credit hours per semester (part-time students will receive a partial award)
  6. Meeting the Satisfactory Academic Progress standards of the school you plan to attend
  7. A student who has completed the 2024-2025 FAFSA, with a resulting Student Aid Index (SAI) at or below 7,500 (once complete, the financial aid office at the college/university you plan to attend will determine and confirm eligibility.)
  8. For a deeper look at the eligibility requirements, read click here

For questions regarding the Next NC Scholarship, please contact Financial Aid at 252-246-1344.

In-House Loans

Each semester, Wilson Community College offers a limited amount of funding to help offset the tuition and textbook costs for students.

For more information contact:

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Weather Update

Due to the threat of inclement weather, WCC will be closed on Friday, February 21. Instruction will shift to remote learning and staff members will respond to inquiries by phone and email. Weekend classes will run as scheduled.