Step three: Student Responsibility
Registration: As noted in the application process, all students are required to see the VA Director after they have registered for classes.
Changing Majors: Students wishing to change their major must complete a change of major form and return it to the VA Director. This form may be printed from the VA forms site (Forms 22-1995 or 22-5495 for Chapter 35). In addition, students are required to update their major with the Admissions office.
Reporting Changes: Students are required to report address and direct deposit changes to VA via WAVE or IVR 1-877-823-2378. Address changes should also be reported to the Admissions Office.
Reporting Enrollment: Students receiving Chapter 30, 1606 or 1607 are required to report their enrollment status on the last calendar day of each month. Failure to do so will delay payment. In addition, Chapter 35 students who are not enrolled in an associate degree program must also report enrollment. Students may utilize the WAVE system to report hours for each month or via IVR 1-877-823-2378.
Effective August 1, 2021, VA will require all students using Chapter 33 (Post 9/11) enrolled in a diploma or certificate program to verify enrollment on a monthly basis to receive their Monthly Housing Allowance. Students may call the Education Call Center at 1-888-442-4551 to verify their enrollment or students who choose VAs “Opt-In” feature will receive a text message each month prompting them to verify their enrollment.
Effective December 17 2021, VA will require all students using Chapter 33 enrolled in any program to verify enrollment on a monthly basis.
Students who have used their benefits and attended another college must request official transcripts from all colleges attended. Transcripts must be received and evaluated before students can be certified. A change of major/place of training form must be completed and returned to the VA Director along with a copy of the DD214/NOBE. This form may be printed from the VA forms site (Forms 22-1995-VAs, 22-5495-dependents, 22-1995-ToE students). In addition, students should complete the WCC VA data form and return to the VA Director.
Returning students who have used their benefits before who are not transferring from another college or changing majors only need to update their admissions record and contact the VA Director to request certification. Students who desire to change their major will need see the Admissions office and complete a change of major form with the VA Director. Please note that official transcripts are needed from all colleges that you have attended before benefits can be certified.
For more information contact:

Director of Financial Aid & Veteran's Affairs
Department: Financial Aid
Phone: (252) 246-1274
Office: F105a