Finish Line Grant

Don't let a financial emergency keep you from crossing the finish line.

Are you facing unforeseen challenges that are preventing you from completing your education? If so, you may qualify for a Finish Line Grant.

On July 12th, 2018, Governor Cooper announced the Finish Line Grant program that will help students complete their education when facing unforeseen challenges. Effective October 1, 2022, the administration of this program shifted from the Department of Commerce to the NC Community College System (NCCCS). In partnership with NCCCS and Wilson Community College, students who have completed at least 25% of their program of study and are in good academic standing can apply for the grant. Approval is subject to eligibility and the availability of funds. Effective October 1, 2022, the Governor’s Office funding source is the Emergency Assistance to Non-Public Schools (EANS).

Guidelines to Apply


      • Unanticipated financial emergency (short-term hardship that impacts student’s ability to complete a degree/certification)

      • Currently enrolled Curriculum and Continuing Education students are eligible


            • 25% of curriculum degree, certificate, or diploma program completed (including current semester)

            • Must be in good academic standing – minimum 2.0 GPA

            • Cost of Attendance (COA) not exceeded (Curriculum)

        • Limited up to $1,000, per student per semester.

      Examples of Qualifying Events


          • Rent (No past due bills)

          • Auto Repair -sudden lack of transportation due to a car accident or unexpected mechanical problems

          • Loss of books/supplies after initial purchase, due to natural disaster, fire, or theft

          • Financial emergency preventing the payment of a current utility bill (water, gas, and electric)

          • Internet (if bundled, will only pay for internet service-not cable TV/phone) invoice must be itemized to isolate internet service

          • Child/dependent care-if student is participating in clinicals, labs, in-class instruction, or worksite learning

          • Medical/dental/vision care that impacts the ability for a student to complete a degree/certification

          • Utilities-water, gas, and electric bill (No past due bills)

        Examples of Expenditures Not Allowed


            • No asset payments: laptops, phones, car payments, mortgage payments, property taxes, and/or tax payments

            • Renter insurance/rental deposits

            • Court fees, penalties, and/or late fees

            • Student account debt of a person attempting to return to college

            • No past due bills (Bills must be current)

          Next Steps


              1. Complete the Finish Line Grant Application if you think you may meet the above guidelines.

              1. Once your eligibility has been verified, you will receive an email with the next steps.

              1. If approved, payment will be processed within three business days of receiving all required documentation.

              1. Student will be notified when payment is ready.

              1. Funds will not be distributed directly to the student but to the entity that will provide the service for the student.

            Questions? Contact:

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            Weather Update

            Due to the threat of inclement weather, WCC will be closed on Friday, February 21. Instruction will shift to remote learning and staff members will respond to inquiries by phone and email. Weekend classes will run as scheduled.