Donor Support Changes Everything

In honor of Community College Month, Wilson Community College is celebrating its Foundation donors at a reception this week.

The Wilson Community College Foundation supports the College in many ways, but mostly through scholarships for our students.  More than $140,000 was awarded this academic year, and that number continues to grow year after year.  Scholarships typically range anywhere from $250 to $3,000 a year, depending on a number of factors.

None of it would be possible without our generous donors.  Many of our donors are individuals or families, and some are businesses and organizations. Some have established endowments, meaning $10,000 or more, that ensure ongoing annual support.  And some or our donors provide annual scholarships that are not endowed. No matter how they donate, they all have one shared vision: to financially support students and change their lives.

Looking back at the numbers, it’s impressive to know the percentage of scholarship recipients who complete their degree, diploma, or certificate.  Over the last five years, 91 percent of our students receiving a scholarship completed their programs.  I’d say it’s pretty clear that our donors are making a huge impact in helping our students achieve their goals.

Our students come from all walks of life.  Some are coming straight out of high school, while others are seeking a first, or maybe even second, degree to further their careers.  It’s not unusual to have students sleeping in their cars, just trying to get a few hours in between working third shift and going to class.  It’s not unheard of to have single parents juggling a full-time job while going to school, which can oftentimes be a financial strain.  Our donors make it possible for them through scholarships.

Every fall, our donors and recipients get to meet for the first time at a Scholarship Awards Ceremony, and it’s always special for them.  And this week, we will celebrate our donors with an intimate floating reception at the Gig East Exchange.  Our Culinary Arts students are preparing some incredible treats for them too.  It’s the very least we can do to thank them for all they do for our students and WCC family.

Because of their tremendous generosity, our students have one less worry when it comes to their education.  And for that, we are thankful.

For more information about the Foundation or how you can get involved, contact me at (252) 246-1271 or  You can also visit the Foundation page.

What’s Happening

NOW – Summer and Fall Registration
April 17 – PTK Induction Ceremony
April 20 – Donor Appreciation Reception

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Weather Update

Due to the threat of inclement weather, WCC will be closed on Friday, February 21. Instruction will shift to remote learning and staff members will respond to inquiries by phone and email. Weekend classes will run as scheduled.