Earn a High School Equivalency Face-to-Face or Online

Need to get your high school diploma or learn the skills to get the job?  Wilson Community College offers a College and Career Readiness (CCR) program for adults seeking to earn their high school diploma and high school equivalency, and we make it flexible for the student through in-person and online resources.

You may remember this as the former Basic Skills program. This includes the Adult High School Diploma, NC High School Equivalency, and English Language programs. We also provide review courses for students wanting to improve their reading, writing, and math skills in addition to learning employability skills. In fact, this summer, 21 students graduated from this program, earning their Adult High School Diploma or NC High School Equivalency.

Maybe you or someone you know did not complete high school and are looking for a way to earn your high school diploma or high school equivalency.  If so, this is exactly where you would start.  We offer orientation sessions and assessments during the week to get you entered into the program.  Our flexible scheduling allows students to choose face-to-face, hybrid, and mail-in instruction – and we do this to meet the needs of our students who have life happening around them every day.

During the orientation — and something new for this past academic year — CCR students are given a digital literacy assessment, and those not meeting a score of 85% are assigned to digital literacy classes.

We served over 90 students during the 2021-2022 academic year in digital literacy alone.  They were able to earn multiple certifications in a range of computer applications.  And more than 1,200 badges and certifications were issued.  It has proven to be very beneficial to our students seeking employment.

In the last year, we’ve restructured and added programs, with both in-person and online offerings. We know that students need connection and personal experience, and we value one-on-one interaction. The pandemic gave us the perfect opportunity to improvise ways for adult students wanting to return to school to finish their high school credential or learn the workforce skills employers are looking for.

Our two newest initiatives, Transitions Career Academy (TCA) and High School Equivalency (HSE) in the Community, continue to add students too.

The new TCA program is for adults with intellectual disabilities. It is a two-year program providing students the opportunity to continue their education by improving their reading, writing, math, and technology skills, all while preparing for the world of work or other appropriate post-secondary programs.

The HSE in the Community program gives qualified students the opportunity to earn the majority of their high school equivalency through the mail. Students complete course subject workbooks and mail their classwork in postage-paid envelopes to the College for grading and additional tutoring. Brochures with information about HSE in the Community are available throughout the community in places like the local library, restaurants, and more. Additional information about these programs is also located on the Career and College Readiness page.

“The majority of our students don’t stop after earning their diplomas.  Our most recent class of graduates have gone on to new careers in the workplace, joined the military, and have enrolled in college programs here and across the state. The College and Career Readiness program is a pipeline to future financial stability.  If you have been putting off getting your high school diploma or equivalency, don’t hesitate any further,” Margie Norfleet, Interim CCR Director, shared.

For more information, contact Margie Norfleet at mnorfleet@wilsoncc.edu or (252) 246-1243, or Tonya Brinkley, Director of Assessment, at tbrinkley@wilsoncc.edu or (252) 246-1356. #WilsonCC We make Wilson work.

What’s Happening

  • August 15: First Day of Classes
  • August 17: Last Day to Register for Fall Semester (Curriculum Courses)
  • August 24: New Student Orientation (virtual)
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Weather Update

Due to the threat of inclement weather, WCC will be closed on Friday, February 21. Instruction will shift to remote learning and staff members will respond to inquiries by phone and email. Weekend classes will run as scheduled.