2022 Faculty and Staff Person of the Year Awards

Wilson Community College recently named its 2022 Faculty and Staff Persons of the Year.  And we cannot think of anyone more deserving than our recipients.

The Excellence in Teaching Award – or more informally known as Faculty Person of the Year – was awarded to Angela Grantham, Mathematics Instructor and Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society Advisor.  Kyla Strenge, Graphics/Advertising Manager, was named the WCC Staff Person of the Year.

Each year, the State Board of Community Colleges presents a series of awards, honoring community college employees.  The Excellence in Teaching Award, sponsored by R.J. Reynolds, provides statewide recognition of faculty members who exemplify the highest quality and standards of instruction throughout the NC Community College System.  The Staff of the Year Award, sponsored by BB&T (Truist), recognizes performance and commitment to the community college mission by the non-teaching staff of the 58 institutions. And every year when WCC selects the recipients, their names are then sent on to the NC Community Colleges system office to compete in the running for state-level faculty or staff person of the year.

Awardees are chosen by their peers.  It was no surprise to any of us at the College that Mrs. Grantham and Mrs. Strenge were selected.  In fact, both of them were awarded the President’s Award for Innovation in 2020.  This award is given each year by WCC President Tim Wright to honor faculty and staff who go above and beyond the normal expectations to contribute to the success of students and the College.

Mrs. Grantham has been with the College for over 20 years and wears many hats.  She’s the true definition of a selfless and noble person.  Of her own volition, she makes herself available to tutor students on weekends, at night, and even on holidays.  Mrs. Grantham has a fondness for students who are trying to maintain a work-life-school balance.

She said, “I was astonished to win this year, and so happy that I was nominated by those I work with.  I do my very best to make a positive difference in someone’s life.  Working here gives me the opportunity to do just that, and as long as I’ve touched a life and made a difference, I feel accomplished.”  She went on to add, “besides helping students get over their fear of math, I also help those pursuing degrees in education as an advisor for Early Childhood and School-Age Education majors.  Serving as an advisor for Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society is another unique experience, from participating in service projects to attending PTK conferences across the region, often allowing students opportunities they’ve never had before.”

Kyla Strenge joined the WCC staff a little over five years ago, and she’s been instrumental in our marketing through the complete rebranding of the College, creating ads that many of you see every day in the newspaper, online, social media, billboards, television, and so much more. She knows her creations have a direct impact on students seeking an education and keeping them engaged, and we feel it does just that.

Mrs. Strenge is actually a part of a three-person marketing team, and I could not be more fortunate to have her in my department.  In the fall of 2020, and in huge part because of her, the marketing team received five National Council for Marketing & Public Relations Medallion Awards.  These awards recognize outstanding design and communications at community and technical colleges across the nation.

She shared, “I’m honored to have received this award from my peers, though I certainly don’t think I need any recognition. I love my job and enjoy working with an amazing team. I feel fortunate that I get to be a part of something so life-changing as higher education.”

We are so proud of each of them, and all of our employees too.  To us, they are family and they’re what makes your community college so strong.

For more information about WCC, give us a call at (252) 291-1195 or visit our website at www.wilsoncc.edu.  #WilsonCC We make Wilson work.

What’s Happening

  • December 14:  A. Dwight Johnson Learning Resource Center Ribbon Cutting
  • December 16:  Basic Law Enforcement Training Academy Graduation
  • December 22-January 2:  College Closed
  • January 4-5:  Spring Registration
  • January 6-10:  Spring Late Registration
  • January 6:  First Day of Classes
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Weather Update

Due to the threat of inclement weather, WCC will be closed on Friday, February 21. Instruction will shift to remote learning and staff members will respond to inquiries by phone and email. Weekend classes will run as scheduled.