WCC’s Year in Review

This year has flown by, and much like years past, it was one for the books for Wilson Community College. We saw an increase in the number of folks we served, the number of scholarships we awarded, and more. And we did all of this because of our community’s support.

Here’s a recap of the 2022 calendar year for Wilson Community College:

  • Since January 1, WCC has served 6,561 individuals.
  • Of the 6,561 people served this year, 801 of them were high school students in our Career and College Promise program, or CCP for short.  These students are taking FREE college courses for credit while still in high school.  That’s pretty incredible!
  • We just completed our 120th Basic Law Enforcement Training Academy, with eight cadets graduating to become officers. Back in May, nine cadets graduated from the Academy.  And we trained nearly 900 sworn law enforcement officers this year at our Coastal Plain Law Enforcement Training Center.  These officers travel to our facility from all over the state.
  • Our 49th Fire/Rescue Training Academy, which has four fire cadets, will finish up in a few weeks. And earlier this year, we graduated five fire cadets.
  • We held our May commencement ceremony, with 181 graduates. Our youngest graduates were 17 years old (and there were several of them!), and our eldest was 61 — proving it’s never too early or too late to get started at WCC.
  • We offered 25 online courses during the five-week Winter Semester – and saw registrations skyrocket because of the offerings, with a total of 248 students taking advantage of the shorter semester.
  • We awarded more scholarships for just the fall semester than ever before, totaling $85,664. And we’ll award nearly that same amount for the upcoming spring semester.  Not only that, 78 students qualified for the Governor’s Longleaf Commitment Grant, totaling $51,195, and we also gave out the remaining 11 BlueCross BlueShield Firefighter stipends for a total of $6,000.
  • We trained employees from six companies – a total of 193 individuals – through our customized training program. The companies were 3C Store Fixtures, Bridgestone, Second Nature, Smithfield Foods, Southern Container, and Sun River.
  • Our Small Business Center helped start 34 new businesses – 25 of those right here in Wilson County.
  • We held a Car & Truck Show in September and a golf tournament in October, raising thousands of dollars for student scholarships.

For more information about WCC, give us a call at (252) 291-1195 or visit our website at www.wilsoncc.edu.  Of course, you’re always welcome to tour the campus.  Give me a call to line one up.  #WilsonCC We make Wilson work.

What’s Happening

  • January 4-10: Registration for Spring Semester
  • January 6:  First Day of Classes
  • January 10:  Fire Academy Graduation
  • January 16:  College Closed for Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday
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Weather Update

Due to the threat of inclement weather, WCC will be closed on Friday, February 21. Instruction will shift to remote learning and staff members will respond to inquiries by phone and email. Weekend classes will run as scheduled.