The Trades are Essential – and We’re Ready to Train You!

When was the last time you had to call a plumber, electrician, or HVAC repairman? If you have called one within the last few years, you may have noticed one of two things. First, it’s hard to find someone who can come fix your problem quickly, and second, the cost of having repairs done has risen drastically.

The importance of skilled trades workers, like plumbers, electricians, and HVAC technicians, is often overlooked. But the folks who do these jobs are absolutely critical to our daily lives. They install, repair, and maintain systems and equipment that we rely on (and take for granted) in our homes and businesses. Without them, our lives would be drastically different, and we wouldn’t have readily accessible electricity, running water, and air conditioning that we all use on those hot summer days.

There is a nationwide shortage of tradesmen, and Wilson, like other parts of the country, is experiencing that same shortage.  Many are retiring, and with that, not as many are taking their places.  As teenagers and young adults, or even before that, we’re encouraged to pursue professions that require a four-year or advanced degree.  It’s so important for the younger generation to understand the importance of these careers and the incredible job opportunities that are available in the trades – not to mention that they are quite often good-paying jobs too.

Wilson Community College offers several programs that can prepare you for a career in the trades. We offer a one-year Electrical Systems and Welding Technology program, and a two-year HVAC, Carpentry, and Automotive Systems program. Our Carpentry program even includes plumbing coursework that can lead to immediate jobs. All of these programs will prepare you for good-paying jobs that exist right now. And if you don’t have time for a one or two-year program, you can take just a few classes and earn a certificate.

If you are already a skilled trade worker, we’d like to hear from you. WCC is always looking for instructors to train the next generation of trades workers. Your skills are just as valuable in the classroom as they are in the field. So why not give teaching a try? Who knows, you might find yourself enjoying passing your knowledge on to the younger generation.

Trades workers are an essential part of our lives and society, and we need to train more of them to keep up with the ever-decreasing number of trades workers. By promoting the trades as a viable and rewarding career path, we can help to address the current shortage and ensure that we have the skilled workforce we need to thrive.

For more information on Wilson Community College’s trades programs, contact Travis Flewelling, Dean of Industrial Technologies, at  Or give us a call at (252) 291-1195 or visit our website at #WilsonCC We make Wilson work.

What’s Happening
January 16 – College Closed for Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday
January 26 – Allied Health Career Day

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Weather Update

Due to the threat of inclement weather, WCC will be closed on Friday, February 21. Instruction will shift to remote learning and staff members will respond to inquiries by phone and email. Weekend classes will run as scheduled.