WCC Has Options for Anyone Interested in Law Enforcement

Ever thought about a career in law enforcement?  Wilson Community College has options.

Through the Coastal Plain Training facility, WCC has two units with two different purposes: the WCC In-Service Law Enforcement Training Center, which provides continuing education for active-duty officers; and the WCC Basic Law Enforcement Training Academy (BLET), which turns raw recruits into rookie officers over a seventeen-week, 640-hour regimen.

I’m sure you’ve all seen marked vehicles from various parts of the state right here in Wilson.  They’re all here for in-service training at WCC.  The classes are held all year long by trained professionals in the field, and the director over the program is a well-seasoned, retired law enforcement officer.

BLET is held twice each year and is 17 weeks long, and is coordinated by a retired Captain with the Wilson County Sheriff’s Office.  Since 1981, over 1,000 cadets have graduated from our BLET program.  And WCC just began its 119th Academy last week with 12 new cadets.  Think about that for a minute – 119 academies full of men and women dedicated to public service.

Hunter Little, a current cadet, said, “The biggest reason I want to be a police officer is because I feel it is what I have been called to do. I spent four years of college in a completely different field and finally realized during my senior year that I couldn’t see myself being in that field for the rest of my life. After hearing what one of my friends (now a police officer in Wilson) said about the BLET program with Wilson Community College, I just knew that is what I wanted to do.”

We typically have two types of individuals in the BLET program.  Some have been hired by a law enforcement agency and are being sponsored by their agency to attend the training to become certified law enforcement officers.  Others are seeking employment while attending the Academy.

Another option is our two-year Associate in Science degree in Criminal Justice Technology.  The coursework is centered on learning criminal justice systems and operations, focusing on local, state, and federal law enforcement, judicial processes, corrections, and security services. The program can be completed online. And any student who completes a BLET program is eligible to receive up to 15 hours credit towards the degree. In fact, two of our BLET cadets in the 119th Academy recently graduated from our Criminal Justice Technology program and are employed with the Wilson Police Department.

The lead instructor of the program, Dr. David Moody, holds a master’s degree in criminal justice and a doctorate in public safety with a specialization in criminal justice. Dr. Moody also served as law enforcement officer with the Fayetteville Police Department, NC Highway Patrol, and Pitt County Sheriff’s Office for a combined agency experience of over 20 years. Our faculty in the Criminal Justice program also hold at least a master’s degree, and many of them work in law enforcement.  Wilson County Sheriff, Calvin Woodard, is just one of our many instructors.

About 98% of our graduates find careers in local, state, and federal law enforcement, such as police officers, deputy sheriff’s, State Highway Patrol, NC Community Corrections officers, and wildlife officers.  And with a two-year degree in Criminal Justice Technology, you’ll have a leg-up for advancement and promotion at many law enforcement agencies.  So many of our BLET graduates have taken advantage of this great opportunity.

Whether you’re looking to begin a career in law enforcement, or you’re an active officer, WCC has something for you.  For more information, contact Darlene Hall, Director of Law Enforcement Training, at dhall@wilsoncc.edu or (252) 246-1365, or reach out to Captain Billy Radford at bradford@wilsoncc.edu or (252) 246-1215.  If you’d like information about the Criminal Justice Technology program, contact Dr. David Moody at dmoody@wilsoncc.edu. #WilsonCC We make Wilson work.

What’s Happening

  • January 20:  47th Fire Academy Graduation
  • January 20:  New Student Orientation and Nursing Information Session (online)
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Weather Update

Due to the threat of inclement weather, WCC will be closed on Friday, February 21. Instruction will shift to remote learning and staff members will respond to inquiries by phone and email. Weekend classes will run as scheduled.