Interested in IT? Check Out WCC’s Options.

A degree in Information Technology could make you marketable in almost any industry – and Wilson Community College has some options for you if this is something you’re considering.

Virtually every business and industry now rely on some form of technology to operate and succeed — whether it’s e-commerce, online innovation, or analytics. IT is an integral part of using technology to make business continuity possible for many working remotely too.  And there’s a wide range of job opportunities in this field across most companies and organizations.

WCC offers two tracks in the Information Technology two-year degree program: IT Support and Networking & Cybersecurity.  Both are highly marketable and developed with input from industry partners, including the City of Wilson/Greenlight, Truist, Computer Central, and Bridgestone, just to name a few.  We also offer four IT certificates: A+ Certification Prep, CCNA Certification Prep, IT Support Foundations, and Cybersecurity.  Certificates are an excellent way to increase your skills in specific areas, prepare for industry certification exams, and earn higher salaries. And all of these options are offered online if that’s what works best for your schedule.

I often ask our students to share their stories, and I wanted to share one from an IT student.  Here’s what Allison Shealy had to say:

“I have been in the Information Technology field my entire career, mostly in administrative roles.  A little over two years ago, I was given the opportunity to join a team responsible for web operations in the infrastructure endpoint world.   Once that happened, I quickly decided I wanted to return to school to better understand the world I had just entered.  I am a wife, mother of two daughters, and a full-time employee, so I had to choose wisely if I wanted to go back to school. 

Throughout my career, I had looked at Wilson Community College for programs in Information Technology, but some of the courses I wanted – infrastructure security — were not offered at the time. All that changed a few years ago when WCC began offering what I needed.  I enrolled in the Information Technology Networking and Security track degree program, as that was exactly the field I had just been given an opportunity to work in. 

I chose Wilson Community College because I am a native of Wilson and have known many people who received their education there and went on to be successful in their careers.  WCC is also close to home and makes it easy for me to attend classes face-to-face – and I could literally do that over lunch. 

I highly recommend exploring the opportunities at Wilson Community College.  During my journey there, I have gained a better understanding of the field I am in and have become more comfortable troubleshooting issues and with the maintenance of devices in my purview.  I trusted the College enough to encourage my daughter to pursue nursing school there.    After obtaining my degree, my plans are to move onward and upward in my same company, hopefully out of the operations side of infrastructure security and into the engineering side of the world.” 

If you want more information about our Information Technology program, contact Kendra Faulkner, Information Technology Instructor, at or Allisha Hicks, Dean of Business and Applied Technologies, at  #WilsonCC We make Wilson work.

What’s Happening
January 23 – WCC Community Chorus Practice at 7:00 p.m.
January 26 – Allied Health Career Day

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Weather Update

Due to the threat of inclement weather, WCC will be closed on Friday, February 21. Instruction will shift to remote learning and staff members will respond to inquiries by phone and email. Weekend classes will run as scheduled.