WCC Hosts Allied Health Career Fair

Did you know that there’s currently a shortage of healthcare workers?  According to the US Department of Labor, there are 194,500 open jobs for Registered Nurses projected yearly, with an estimated growth rate of 9 percent from 2020 to 2030.  Registered Nurses are just one part of the healthcare system.  There are also shortages of other essential healthcare workers.

Wilson Community College hosted an on-campus Allied Health Career Fair last week.  Local healthcare agencies were invited to present currently-enrolled nursing students with career opportunities available in the area. They shared what benefits were being offered at their respective organizations, as well.

According to Becky Strickland, WCC Dean of Allied Health & Sciences, “Students nearing graduation are often faced with the daunting task of deciding where to go for employment.  With no shortage of employment opportunities, it can be difficult for students to narrow down their decisions.  This event was a great opportunity for students to learn about different opportunities available to them and it helps our community partners recruit graduates to work in their agencies.”

Agencies that attended the event included Longleaf Neuro-Medical Treatment Center, Wilson Medical Center, Professional Healthcare, Inc., Parkwood Village, WakeMed Health & Hospital, Carolina Family Health Centers, Wayne UNC Health Care, Vidant Health, Wilson County EMS, Walden University, and Chamberlain University.  And we hope to be able to offer this event annually going forward.

Nearly 100 students from the College’s Associate Degree Nursing, Practical Nursing, Surgical Technology, Nurse Aide, Phlebotomy, and EMS programs attended the event.  Nursing student Betty Parham shared, “The event was great and allowed me to learn about all the different healthcare opportunities available.”

Wilson Community College offers curriculum (degree) Allied Health programs, including an Associate’s Degree Nursing (ADN), Practical Nursing (PN), and Surgical Technology programs.  WCC graduated 52 ADN students in 2021, 17 from the PN program, and 6 from our Surgical Technology program in 2020.  These programs are very popular, and on average have full enrollment each Fall with a long waiting list.  There’s a theory portion of coursework, as well as hands-on labs and clinical rotations occurring weekly.  In addition to the curriculum programs, the College also offers 16-week continuing education courses for Nurse Aide I and II, Phlebotomy, EMS, and Pharmacy Technician.

Wilson Community College also has a career services page on our website, which is available to both students and agencies wanting to advertise career opportunities.  The College utilizes the College Central Network, which is a career advancement network that provides students and employers with opportunities to connect.   If you’d like more information about career services the College has to offer, contact Danielle Jones, Admissions & Career Counselor, at djones@wilsoncc.edu or (252) 246-1435.

For more information about our Allied Health programs, contact Becky Strickland at bstrickland@wilsoncc.edu or (252) 246-1333.  #WilsonCC We make Wilson work.

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Weather Update

Due to the threat of inclement weather, WCC will be closed on Friday, February 21. Instruction will shift to remote learning and staff members will respond to inquiries by phone and email. Weekend classes will run as scheduled.