Collaboration and connection: Students to careers

If you’ve been around Wilson lately — or anywhere, really — you’ve probably noticed job postings everywhere.

On any given week, Wilson Community College faculty and staff are contacted by businesses and industries who are looking for recent graduates or current students to fill their jobs. But this isn’t a new thing. This is part of what we do, and our local businesses know that. In some cases, our current students even get hired before graduation, and their college expenses are paid by the company.

To meet the needs of local businesses and industries looking for employees — and meet our students’ needs — WCC has dedicated a person to serve as a career counselor, Danielle Jones. She offers career development resources and guidance for students, and she also offers workshops on topics like resume writing, interview skills and job-hunting strategies.

But that’s not all. WCC has a career platform called College Central Network that is used to connect students to employers, or vice versa. It’s basically a one-stop shop for current and former students and employers looking to hire, and it’s completely free. Employers post job opportunities, and students are able to search these openings and apply instantly.

All you have to do is create a free account at and contact Danielle for approval. Once approved, employers themselves can search the database of WCC student and alumni resumes.

WCC is also plugged in to the Wilson workforce in so many other ways. Rob Holsten, vice president for academic affairs, serves on the Turning Point Regions Workforce Development Board. This board helps identify workforce strategies and initiatives to meet workforce needs of the five-county region. Our Continuing Education division provides short-term trainings and free customized training programs and courses to assist businesses in recruiting and training workers. We are currently running an income maintenance worker class to help the Wilson County Department of Social Services fill open positions. Last year, we helped companies like Bridgestone, Weener Plastics, Merck and Southern Container.

Our director of workforce development, Robby Taylor, communicates with Wilson businesses and industries throughout the year to identify short-term training programs designed to help students get the skills needed for available jobs. According to Taylor, we’ve recently been contacted by a company that is looking to hire students upon completion of our short-term welding, electrical and construction courses. The college currently has some longer-term training projects with 3C Store Fixtures and the Ardagh Group, and there are larger Wilson industries we will be working with in the next couple of months.

We literally have something for everyone and seek to fulfill Wilson County’s needs, whether you’re a current student, wanting to go back to school, an alumnus, or an employer needing training and/or employees with specific skills.

If you’re looking to take some classes, now is the time. Registration for the fall 2021 semester is open now. Visit our website at for a full list of classes, or give us a call at 252-291-1195.

If you’re an employer looking to hire, contact Danielle Jones at or 252-246-1435. And if you’re a business or industry needing short-term training for your employees, get in touch with Robby Taylor at or 252-246-1421.

#WilsonCC — we make Wilson work.


• Ongoing — Fall semester registration.

• July 27 — New student orientation and nursing information session (both online).

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Weather Update

Due to the threat of inclement weather, WCC will be closed on Friday, February 21. Instruction will shift to remote learning and staff members will respond to inquiries by phone and email. Weekend classes will run as scheduled.