Wilson Workforce Center Moving to WCC

Need help finding a job? Then check out the Wilson Workforce Center at Wilson Community College. You may know that the Wilson Workforce Center is currently located on Nash Street in the Business Development Center in downtown Wilson. But you might not know that starting July 1, the Workforce Center is moving to the Wilson Community College campus. And although the location of the Center is changing, the services provided by the Center are not.

On April 20, 2023, Wilson Community College received notification that it had been awarded a contract through the Turning Point Workforce Development Board (TPWDB), to provide career services to adults and dislocated workers (those who have lost their job).

WCC will now house the Wilson Workforce Center connecting job seekers with local business and industry job opportunities. This full-service center not only identifies local employment needs but also provides wrap-around services, such as assistance with resumes, interviewing techniques, training programs, and soft skills development.

Maybe you are looking for a new job or need to develop new skills to meet the ever-changing technology demands for employment.  Perhaps you are seeking a promotion or expanding your opportunities for higher wages. The Wilson Workforce Center can help.

This is also a great opportunity for local employers to connect to potential employees. Business and industry leaders can access resources to find workers that fit their needs through job and career fairs – which match the needs of everyone in our community.

The staff at the Wilson Workforce Center are able to focus on building connections for job seekers with employers – making an ideal partnership for job seekers to get good-paying, high-demand jobs.

So how do you get started? Visit the Wilson Workforce Center on the WCC main campus – located in building A on Herring Ave. The Center’s staff are eager to provide career advising to both the un-and under-employed, and can assist employers with recruiting and job referrals.

Rob Holsten, WCC Vice President for Academic Affairs shared, “We are excited to have received a contract from the Turning Point Workforce Development Board to provide career services. Serving our community is what we do best and to be able to provide career services for our residents is at the heart of our mission. We’re proud to be a part of strengthening our local workforce and serving our community.”

The Wilson Workforce Center is scheduled to open on July 1, 2023. For more information, give us a call at (252) 291-1195. #WilsonCC We make Wilson work.

What’s Happening
ONGOING – Fall Semester Registration
July 13 – Registration Remix from 1-7 PM

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Weather Update

Due to the threat of inclement weather, WCC will be closed on Friday, February 21. Instruction will shift to remote learning and staff members will respond to inquiries by phone and email. Weekend classes will run as scheduled.