Interested in a College Transfer Degree? What about Fine Arts?

Wilson Community College added another college transfer degree program in fall 2021, and we’re excited about where it’s heading.

College transfer students can choose from an Associate in Arts or Associate in Science, Associate in Arts in Teacher Preparation, Associate in Science in Teacher Preparation, and the newest one is the Associate in Fine Arts-Music, or AFA for short.

The AFA two-year program allows students to transfer to a four-year college or university to earn a bachelor’s degree in music. While at WCC, students complete 61 hours of coursework.  These hours include all general education courses and specific music courses like music theory, music history, applied lessons, chorus, and ensembles. And through one-on-one advising sessions, an advisor will work with students to meet their transfer institution’s degree requirements.

“I am thrilled to be an integral part of the AFA-Music program. Wilson has such a rich history of music and the arts. I am excited that Wilson Community College will be a part of training future musicians,” said Sandy Pittman, Religion and Music Instructor.

AFA students also have the opportunity to participate in our Community Chorus. This is especially great for students who wish to specialize in voice. It’s even open to folks in the community who want to join. The chorus meets on Monday nights from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. in building C, room 101.

Dr. Sheril Roberts, WCC Dean of College Transfer and Public Services, shared, “It is our mission to offer programs that appeal to the community’s academic and career interests.  The AFA program is perfect for those wanting to further their education in music.  We’re here to guide and help students in any way we can.”

In addition to the AFA degree, WCC developed a pathway for students enrolled in the Career and College Promise (CCP) program. The CCP program allows high school juniors and seniors to take tuition-FREE college classes and earn college course credit while still in high school. Essentially, this means that these students will have a leg-up when they enter college because they will already have so many courses under their belt toward their four-year degree.

We currently serve hundreds of CCP, or high school students, every year.  And we have two early colleges – Wilson Academy of Applied Technology (WECA) and Wilson Academy of Applied Technology (WAAT).  So many of them are earning two-year degrees before they even enter a four-year college or university.  We could not be more proud of them and the strong partnership we have with Wilson’s public, private, charter, and homeschool students and staff.

For more specific information on the Associate in Fine Arts-Music degree, contact Sandy Pittman, Religion & Music Instructor, at And if you would like more information about the College Transfer programs that WCC offers, contact  Britney Smith, WCC English Instructor/College Transfer Advising Coordinator, at or Dr. Sheril Roberts, Dean of College Transfer and Public Services, at #WilsonCC  We make Wilson work.

What’s Happening
March 6-10 – Spring Break
March 10-16 – Registration for 2nd 8-week Session

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Weather Update

Due to the threat of inclement weather, WCC will be closed on Friday, February 21. Instruction will shift to remote learning and staff members will respond to inquiries by phone and email. Weekend classes will run as scheduled.