PTK – More than an Honor Society, It’s Growing Leaders

Wilson Community College’s Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society recently inducted new members for the Spring semester.  Students are inducted for having a 3.5 grade-point average, at least 15 credit hours of college course completion, and high remarks from WCC employees.  In fact, two of our members are currently serving as officers for our region.

As a member of PTK, students are afforded so many opportunities.  Many of them go on to serve in leadership positions as officers of the organization.  They volunteer their time and resources out in the community too, from serving at our local soup kitchen, to helping collect donations for various charity drives, and cleaning up streets.  They’ve dedicated some time this summer where they will volunteer even more in the community.

Led by advisors Angela Grantham and Dr. David Moody, PTK members truly do grow as leaders, thinkers, and researchers.  They connect with students outside of Wilson and get to learn about ways to grow not only organizationally at the College, but also as individuals. Ms. Grantham shared, “One of the most exciting things about working with PTK Honor Society students is seeing the spark that ignites in students as they take advantage of the opportunities this organization gives.  I am pleased to see the various college projects come to fruition as students have ideas and work hard to research, plan, and make it come to life.”

We’re so proud of all they do. In fact, our PTK chapter has earned 5-star status twice and now has the first-ever regional officers from WCC.

One of them is Lenora Streeter.  She was 50 years old when she decided to go back to school. Living and working in Kinston — and lucky for us — she chose Wilson Community College to seek out her education.  She’s able to work it into her schedule since it’s fully online.  She’s maintained a 4.0 GPA while working full time, serving as a Minister of Music at her church, and staying active with her family, including her two grandchildren.  Lenora knew she wanted to help others and that she wanted to practice law one day.  Getting her two-year degree as a paralegal is just a stepping stone to reaching that goal.

But she hasn’t stopped there.  Lenora was just inducted into PTK this semester and is already serving as Vice President of North Carolina for the Carolinas Region of Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society.  When speaking with Lenora, she said a number of times, “I’m right where I’m supposed to be.”  You can feel the excitement and honor she feels to serve as an officer.

Lenora recently had the opportunity to travel to Denver, Colorado for the PTK Catalyst Conference with Wilson Early College Academy student and PTK member Naomi King.  As officers and as an added bonus, the honor society pays their way.  They were able to attend workshops, learn what other chapters across the country are doing to plug into and serve their communities, and meet with other trailblazers in the society.

As for Naomi, she also has a dream of helping others.  This school year, she has served as Vice President of Public Relations of the Carolinas Region of PTK.  And after she graduates next month – with both her high school diploma and a two-year degree from WCC – she plans to get certified as a Certified Nurse Aide (CNA) and transition to UNC-Chapel Hill for the fall semester to earn a Bachelor’s in Nursing.  Side note:  Naomi just received a full ride to Chapel Hill too.

Naomi shared, “my educational journey with PTK has been life-changing.  I gained a family that I never knew I had.  Through the forums, travels, and meetings, Phi Theta Kappa helped me grow as an individual, ultimately giving me everything I need and more to help myself and others.”

We’re so proud of Lenora and Naomi, and all of our PTK and WCC students.  They’re truly a testimony that if you want something, go get it – because it’s never too late.

For more information about PTK, contact Angela Grantham at, or visit the Phi Theta Kappa page. #WilsonCC We make Wilson work.

What’s Happening

  • ONGOING – Summer and Fall Registration
  • May 5 – New Student Orientation and Nursing Information Session
  • May 6 – Last Day of Classes
  • May 17 – First Day of Classes
  • May 20 – Graduation
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Weather Update

Due to the threat of inclement weather, WCC will be closed on Friday, February 21. Instruction will shift to remote learning and staff members will respond to inquiries by phone and email. Weekend classes will run as scheduled.