Giving Back to Our Students, Our Community

With the holidays coming up, the Wilson Community College family traditionally finds ways to give back to our community – and we’ve been doing so for years.  Of course, we do this all throughout the year, but our students, faculty, and staff hold specific events around Thanksgiving and Christmas each year.

WCC has governing committees that we refer to as “Senates.”  This year, the Staff Senate is hosting a Winter Coat Drive.  Members have been collecting new and gently-used winter coats, gloves, mittens, scarves, and hats through the month of November for our students at the College.  We are planning to distribute the items at an event on campus on December 1.  Any items that are not claimed during the clothing distribution will be donated to a local nonprofit organization.

Our Administrative Senate is having a holiday fundraiser this year, where eleven college groups are creating and stocking holiday gift baskets to be auctioned off at our annual holiday social.  In December, a gift card of all proceeds will be presented to a Wilson area family in need.

Aside from the holiday drives to support our students and our community, we have other things going on all year long.  We have an on-site food pantry for our students where they can get a bag of non-perishable food and personal hygiene items.  The food pantry is grant-funded and supported by the community and local organizations such as Kiwanis. We’re thankful to everyone for continuing to donate, and our students especially are appreciative.

The WCC Foundation supports students, faculty, and staff throughout the year with scholarships, tuition assistance, fundraisers, and professional development.  The Foundation held a Car & Truck Show in September to benefit the College’s Automotive Systems Technology program. This October, we hosted our third annual Scholarship Invitational Golf Tournament.  Funds raised from the event went to the WCC Family Endowment fund, which provided more scholarships for students this Fall.  And just a couple of weeks ago, 136 students were awarded nearly $154,000 in scholarships for the 2021-2022 academic year.  None of this would be possible without our community’s support.

Giving back and knowing the impact it’ll make in someone’s life is why we do what we do.  Thank you for giving us the ability to help the community.  From offering degrees, diplomas, and certificates to those wanting to “skill up” in their careers, to training industry employees on new processes or machinery, to economic development, and giving back to our community – we thank you.  We couldn’t do this without Wilson.

WCC is honored to be your community college, and we’re even prouder to help our Wilson community in any way we can.  For more information about how you can get involved, give us a call at (252) 291-1195.

What’s Happening

  • NOW – Registration for Winter Term and Spring Semester
  • December 1 – Winter Term Begins
  • December 14 – Ribbon Cutting for A. Dwight Johnson Learning Resource Center
  • December 16 – BLET Graduation Ceremony
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Weather Update

Due to the threat of inclement weather, WCC will be closed on Friday, February 21. Instruction will shift to remote learning and staff members will respond to inquiries by phone and email. Weekend classes will run as scheduled.