Funding Available for Workforce Training

Are you thinking about going back to school, but not necessarily for a degree?  Maybe you could move up the ranks or get a pay increase just by having one more credential, or maybe you’re looking at changing careers completely.  Wilson Community College’s Division of Continuing Education serves thousands of students every year for many of these same reasons.

So, what is Continuing Education exactly?  It provides individuals with opportunities to earn certificates and training in a range of areas – from public safety and public health, to workforce-related areas, among many others.  Although Continuing Education courses do not earn academic credit, many award industry certification, licensure, or continuing education units (CEUs). Courses are designed to provide specific knowledge and/or upgrade skills.  Classes are offered throughout the year and at different times throughout the day to meet students’ busy schedules.

The majority of our classes are fairly inexpensive; however, there are several scholarship opportunities available to help students with expenses.  Scholarships are dependent on the type and length of the class, and the award criteria established by the funding agency.  Scholarships include:

  • The Golden LEAF Scholars Program – Two-Year Colleges – Students pursuing Workforce Continuing Education pathways/courses offered for 96 hours or more, and leading to a state- or industry-recognized credential may be eligible to receive grants of up to $1,000 a year.  The scholarships help cover tuition, fees, books, supplies, credentialing tests, transportation, childcare, as well as other components of the total cost of attendance.  Eligible students must be a North Carolina resident, have financial need, and live in a rural county that is tobacco dependent, or economically destressed, as determined by the Golden LEAF Foundation.  The courses that qualify for funding include Advanced Manufacturing Institute (AMI), Biowork Process Technician, Cosmetology I, EMT (Initial and Paramedic), Detention Officer, Dialysis, Fire Academy, Nurse Aide I and II, Pharmacy Technician, and Phlebotomy.
  • State Employees’ Credit Union (SECU) Bridge to Career –The SECU Foundation’s Bridge to Career Program is intended to help alleviate financial barriers for students pursuing state-regulated or industry-recognized credentials that lead to sustainable careers within their local communities.  These credentials are earned through our courses for Cosmetology, Detention Officer Certification, Pharmacy Technician, Nurse Aide I, Nurse Aide II, Firefighter I and II, Emergency Medical Technician (EMT), Paramedic, Wastewater Operator, and Welding.  The funds, worth $500 for fall and spring semesters, are used to cover the cost of registration, books, fees, and other supplies, and any balance left is reimbursed to the student.
  • Blue Cross Blue Shield NC Firefighter Stipend and Scholarship – Funded by the Blue Cross Blue Shield Foundation, these funds provide stipends of $500 for anyone seeking fire certifications. The BCBS Foundation Firefighter Stipends are intended to help offset out-of-pocket expenses for training. WCC courses that qualify for funding are the WCC Fire Academy, Firefighter I & II, NC Driver/Operator Pumps, and Emergency Vehicle Driver Certifications.
  • Short-Term Workforce Development (STWD) – These funds are for eligible students pursuing high-demand workforce training programs within workforce pathways identified in collaboration with the Department of Commerce that lead to a State or industry-recognized credential. These funds are intended to remove access barriers to high-quality, in-demand, sustaining wage careers for North Carolinians. Eligible students can receive a maximum award of $750 per course to help with the cost of tuition/registration fees, course fees, books, supplies, credentialing tests, transportation, childcare, and any other components of the total cost of attendance.  Students applying for this scholarship must be a North Carolina resident and have completed the NC Residency Determination Service (RDS). Applicants can complete the residency determination process by visiting  Courses eligible for STWD funding include Cosmetology, Detention Officer Certification, Pharmacy Technician, Nurse Aide I, Nurse Aide II, Firefighter I and II, Emergency Medical Technician (EMT), Paramedic, Wastewater Operator, and Welding.

Scholarships often make the difference in whether or not someone can attend school and earn certifications for better job opportunities. For more information on our scholarship opportunities for short-term courses, visit

Registration is ongoing.  For more information, visit our website at or give us a call at (252) 291-1195.  #WilsonCC We make Wilson work.

What’s Happening

  • October 27 – WCC Scholarship Invitational Golf Tournament at Wedgewood Golf Course
  • November 7 – Registration for Winter Term and Spring Semester
  • November 10 – Scholarship Awards Luncheon
  • December 1 – Winter Term Begins
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Weather Update

Due to the threat of inclement weather, WCC will be closed on Friday, February 21. Instruction will shift to remote learning and staff members will respond to inquiries by phone and email. Weekend classes will run as scheduled.