How to Stay Cyber Safe – Give Malware the Boot!

Wilson Community College, in partnership with Greenlight and Gig East, is hosting a free virtual event soon, and anyone is welcome to attend.  In fact, this is the fourth time we’ve partnered with them to host an event of this nature.

Cyber Safe in the Gigabit City v4.0: Give Malware the Boot! is set for Thursday, October 6, from 10 to 11:30 am.  You’ll get to hear from a panel of local business and industry experts on malware, its common infection paths, types of information malware can steal from a compromised system, and how to defend against malware.

“There are very few aspects of our lives now that do not have some type of fingerprint online. It’s more important than ever for people to be aware of ways to protect themselves from cybercriminal activity. This annual event gives our community the opportunity to hear from the best of the best on how to do just that,” said Wes Hill, Dean of Continuing Education at WCC.

WCC’s Information Technology Instructor, Kendra Faulkner, shared, “We are so excited to continue this event for a fourth year, and even better, hear about cyber security from a military perspective.” This year’s keynote speaker is Alex Reinwald, Division Chief for the Cyber Threat Intelligence Division for the North Carolina National Guard’s Cyber Security Response Force. His previous duty assignments include Japan, South Korea, Arizona, and Alaska. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Geography from the University of Alabama and a Masters of Geographic Information Science and Technology from North Carolina State University. He has twice led the fusion and intelligence cell for the largest unclassified cyber incident response exercise in the United States. He currently holds GIAC Certified Incident Handler (GCIH), GIAC Penetration Tester (GPEN), GIAC Cyber Threat Intelligence (GCTI), and GIAC Information Security Professional (GISP) SANS certifications.

Our panelists include: Fred White, Network Technician for City of Wilson/Greenlight Community Broadband, Joseph Vellucci, Technician/Project Manager for Computer Central, Nona Young, Network Security Specialist for the North Carolina Department of Information Technology, and Susan Weekley, IT Instructor at East Carolina University. Panelists will expand on a number of cyber security topics. And there will also be time for virtual attendees to ask questions at the end of the event.

With all of their expertise, you’re sure to walk away with so much great information and a new perspective on being cyber safe.

We’re so thankful for Greenlight and Gig East because none of this would be possible without them – true assets to Wilson!  “Greenlight is excited to continue our partnership with Wilson Community College to highlight the importance of cyber security in our everyday lives.  This event is another example of how Wilson works as a team for the betterment of our community and region,” said Will Aycock, General Manager.

Visit the Cyber Safe page to register.

If you would like more information on the event or the Information Technology – Networking and Cybersecurity program, contact Kendra Faulkner at, or Wes Hill at   #WilsonCC We make Wilson work.

What’s Happening

  • October 6 – Cyber Safe in the Gigabit City Virtual Event
  • October 10-12 – Fall Break
  • October 13 – Registration for Fall 2nd 8-week Courses
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Weather Update

Due to the threat of inclement weather, WCC will be closed on Friday, February 21. Instruction will shift to remote learning and staff members will respond to inquiries by phone and email. Weekend classes will run as scheduled.