The Associate in Science in Teacher Preparation degree program consists of a minimum of 60-61 semester hours and is designed for students who wish to become K-12 teachers specializing in STEM courses. The ASTP degree includes a social diversity course along with the following education courses: Teaching and Learning for All, Foundations of Education, Literacy Development and Instruction, and Teacher Licensure Preparation. The ASTP degree provides students the opportunity to complete the first two years of a bachelor’s degree in education at the community college and transfer to the four-year institution to complete the last two years of their bachelor’s degree, saving both time and money.
Note: Community college graduates must obtain a grade of “C” or better in each course and an overall GPA of at least 2.7 on a 4.0 scale in order to transfer to the four-year institution with junior status. Courses may also transfer through bilateral agreements between institutions.
Note: Completion of an A.A., A.S., A.F.A. in Music, A.A.T.P., or A.S.T.P. degree does not guarantee admission to a four-year college or university or to specific programs.
Upon successful completion of this program, the student should be able to:
- Describe stages of development and characteristic behaviors of school-age students through various theories of learning in a diverse world.
- Use classroom observations and research to analyze the different educational approaches, including classical/traditional and progressive.
- Discuss how cultural and ethnic differences affect personal development.
- Apply critical reading skills through active and analytical reading at the college level, synthesizing and applying information across various disciplines.
- Produce coherent and well-organized compositions, adhering to Standard Written English standards, across a variety of purposes and audiences.
Associate in Science in Teacher Preparation (A1040T)
Program of Study
Fall Semester | |||
ACA-122 | College Transfer Success | 1 | |
EDU-187 | Teaching and Learning for All | 4 | |
ENG-111 | Writing and Inquiry | 3 | |
* | General Education Elective | 3,4 | |
# | Social/Behavioral Science Elective | 3 | |
Spring Semester | |||
EDU-216 | Foundations of Education | 3 | |
ENG-112 | Writing/Research in the Disc | 3 | |
* | General Education Elective | 3 | |
* | Math Elective | 4 | |
Summer Semester | |||
## | Communications/Humanities/Fine Arts Elective | 3 | |
* | Math Elective | 4 | |
Fall Semester | |||
EDU-279 | Literacy Development & Instruction | 4 | |
SOC-225 | Social Diversity | 3 | |
## | Communications/Humanities/Fine Arts Elective | 3 | |
* | Natural Science Elective | 4 | |
Spring Semester | |||
EDU-250 | Teacher Licensure Preparation | 3 | |
* | General Education Elective | 3,4 | |
* | General Education Elective | 3 | |
* | Natural Science Elective | 4 | |
* | Math Electives | ||
Choose two fo the following: | |||
MAT-171 | Precalculus Algebra | 4 | |
MAT-172 | Precalculus Trigonometry | 4 | |
MAT-263 | Brief Calculus | 4 | |
MAT-271 | Calculus I | 4 | |
MAT-272 | Calculus II | 4 | |
## | Communications and Humanities/Fine Arts Electives | ||
Select two courses, from at least two different disciplines. | |||
ART-111 | Art Appreciation | 3 | |
COM-120 | Intro to Interpersonal Communication | 3 | |
COM-231 | Public Speaking | 3 | |
ENG-231 | American Literature I | 3 | |
ENG-232 | American Literature II | 3 | |
ENG-241 | British Literature I | 3 | |
ENG-242 | British Literature II | 3 | |
MUS-110 | Music Appreciation | 3 | |
MUS-112 | Introduction to Jazz | 3 | |
PHI-215 | Philosophical Issues | 3 | |
PHI-240 | Introduction to Ethics | 3 | |
# | Social/Behavioral Science Electives | ||
Select one course, from at least two different disciplines. | |||
ECO-251 | Principles of Microeconomics | 3 | |
ECO-252 | Principles of Macroeconomics | 3 | |
HIS-111 | World Civilizations I | 3 | |
HIS-112 | World Civilizations II | 3 | |
HIS-131 | American History I | 3 | |
HIS-132 | American History II | 3 | |
POL-120 | American Government | 3 | |
PSY-150 | General Psychology | 3 | |
SOC-210 | Introduction to Sociology | 3 | |
* | Natural Science Electives | ||
Select one group from the following: | |||
Group 1 | BIO-110 | Principles of Biology | 4 |
PHY-110 | Conceptual Physics | 3 | |
PHY-110A | Conceptual Physics Lab | 1 | |
Group 2 | BIO-111 | General Biology I | 4 |
BIO-112 | General Biology II | 4 | |
Group 3 | CHM-151 | General Chemistry I | 4 |
CHM-152 | General Chemistry II | 4 | |
* | General Education Electives | ||
Select an additional 11-12 SHC from the following courses classified as general education or from any of the unused courses above: | |||
ASL-111 | Elementary ASL I | 3 | |
ASL-112 | Elementary ASL II | 3 | |
ASL-211 | Intermediate ASL I | 3 | |
ASL-212 | Intermediate ASL II | 3 | |
CHM-131 | Introduction to Chemistry | 3 | |
CHM-131A | Introduction to Chemistry Lab | 1 | |
CHM-132 | Organic and Biochemistry | 4 | |
CIS-110 | Introduction to Computers | 3 | |
CIS-115 | Intro to Programming & Logic | 3 | |
COM-110 | Introduction to Communication | 3 | |
ENG-114 | Professional Research & Reporting | 3 | |
HIS-121 | Western Civilization I | 3 | |
HIS-122 | Western Civilization II | 3 | |
HUM-115 | Critical Thinking | 3 | |
MAT-273 | Calculus III | 4 | |
PHI-210 | History of Philosophy | 3 | |
PSY-237 | Social Psychology | 3 | |
PSY-241 | Developmental Psych | 3 | |
PSY-281 | Abnormal Psychology | 3 | |
REL-110 | World Religions | 3 | |
SOC-213 | Sociology of the Family | 3 | |
SPA-111 | Elementary Spanish I | 3 | |
SPA-112 | Elementary Spanish II | 3 | |
SPA-211 | Intermediate Spanish I | 3 | |
SPA-212 | Intermediate Spanish II | 3 |

Program Coordinator - Early Childhood
Department: Faculty
Phone: (252) 246-1272
Office: D207b

Dean of Human Services & Public Safety
Department: Faculty
Phone: (252) 246-1290
Office: B106

Department Chair - Math & Social Sciences
Department: Faculty
Phone: (252) 246-1320
Office: C209C