Criminal Justice Technology

Correctional Officers and Jailers

NC Salary Range $33,110 - $50,330

The Criminal Justice Technology curriculum is designed to provide knowledge of criminal justice systems and operations. Study will focus on local, state, and federal law enforcement, judicial processes, corrections and security services. The criminal justice system’s role within society will be explored.

Emphasis is on criminal justice systems, criminology, juvenile justice, criminal and constitutional law, investigative principles, ethics and community relations. Additional study may include issues and concepts of government, counseling communications, computers, and technology.

Employment opportunities exist in a variety of local, state, and federal law enforcement, corrections, and security fields. Examples include police officer, deputy sheriff, county detention officer, state trooper, intensive probation/parole surveillance officer, correctional officer, and loss prevention specialist.

Note that some employers may require students to complete additional training and/or certifications upon employment.



902 Herring Avenue
Wilson, NC 27893
(252) 291-1195

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Weather Update

Due to the threat of inclement weather, WCC will be closed on Friday, February 21. Instruction will shift to remote learning and staff members will respond to inquiries by phone and email. Weekend classes will run as scheduled.