Online Programs

Wilson Community College offers a variety of online degrees and certificates allowing busy working professionals to achieve their educational goals on a timeline that works for them. All course work for the following programs and certificates can be completed 100% online (except where noted below). The college offers a range of services to help students succeed, whether a student is focused solely on their education or they’re working full-time, raising a family, and completing a degree.

For contact information click on the program or certificate of interest.

To apply, visit the Admissions page.

Please note the following:

  • Some online courses may require proctored exams. Students may take proctored exams on the Wilson Community College campus or at a nearby authorized proctoring facility. Please see the Proctoring page for more details.

Associate Degrees





902 Herring Avenue
Wilson, NC 27893
(252) 291-1195

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Weather Update

Due to the threat of inclement weather, WCC will be closed on Friday, February 21. Instruction will shift to remote learning and staff members will respond to inquiries by phone and email. Weekend classes will run as scheduled.