Getting Started with Email and Moodle

Accessing any college-provided account or system implies an agreement to follow the College’s guidelines outlined in the Student Acceptable Use Policy.

Wolf Connect

Wolf Connect is the official student portal for Wilson Community College students. Go to Wolf Connect to access all of your Wilson CC accounts using your college username and password.

Student Login Information

  • Email Address (all lowercase)
    • First name initial
    • Last name initial
    • Last four digits of WCC Student ID
    • Example: xx1234
    • Example:
  • Default Password
    • First 2 letters of last name (first letter is capital)
    • 6-digit birthdate (MMDDYY)
    • Example: Xx112233

Student Email


  • Moodle is Wilson Community College’s learning management system. If you have registered for a seated, online (NT), hybrid (HY), hyflex (HF) or blended (BL) course, go to Moodle to find your course materials and get started.

Go to Moodle

Moodle Support for Students

If this is your first time taking an online course at Wilson Community College, or you are having trouble getting started in Moodle, see the resources below.

  • View the Moodle Resources for Students to get started with Moodle.
  • Moodle Quick Start Guide is available to assist you in accessing Moodle for the first time.
  • Once you get access to Moodle, complete the Moodle-101-for-Students course in your “My Courses” list in Moodle to learn the basics on navigating and submitting coursework.

Enrollment Verification

Students must verify their enrollment in each course to avoid being dropped from a course. The type of course determines the method of enrollment verification that is acceptable. Please refer to the list below for acceptable enrollment verification for each type of course.

  • Online (NT) – Students must complete the Enrollment Verification Quiz in Moodle, by the census date, to verify enrollment.
  • Hybrid (HY) – Students in a hybrid course can either attend class by the census date, or complete the Enrollment Verification Quiz in Moodle, by the census date, to verify enrollment.
  • Hyflex (HF) – Students in a HyFlex course can either attend class (in-person or synchronously remote) by the census date, or complete the Enrollment Verification Quiz in Moodle, by the census date, to verify enrollment.
  • Blended (BL) – Students in a blended course can either attend class by the census date, or complete the Enrollment Verification Quiz in Moodle, by the census date, to verify enrollment.
  • Traditional seated courses – Students must attend class, by the census date, to verify enrollment.

Students that do not meet enrollment verification guidelines by the census date, will be dropped from the course.

When to Access Courses

  • New student accounts are created in Moodle 24 hours after registering for classes.
  • Students are automatically enrolled in the Moodle 101 for Students resource course each semester.
    • New students are encouraged to complete this course to become familiar with how to navigate and use Moodle.
    • Returning students can use this as a resource anytime they need a refresher on how use specific Moodle features.
  • All curriculum courses have a Moodle presence and will be available at 8:00 a.m. on the first day of the term.
  • HY, BL, and NT continuing education courses that use Moodle will be available by 8:00 a.m. on the first day of the course.

Student Planning

Student Planning allows students to perform the following tasks:

  • Plan, register, and pay for classes.
  • Accept Financial Aid awards and view account information.
  • Print and view semester schedules and unofficial transcripts.

View the Student Planning Quick Start Guide for more information.

Wolf Tracks

  • Students can use Wolf Tracks to track progress, find support resources, and contact instructors and/or advisors.
  • Students may receive grade and attendance alerts from Wolf Tracks. Alerts will go to the WCC student email and the Wolf Tracks mobile app. Emails will be from “Aviso System”.
  • For more information, visit the Wolf Tracks resource page.

Resources for Learners



902 Herring Avenue
Wilson, NC 27893
(252) 291-1195

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Weather Update

Due to the threat of inclement weather, WCC will be closed on Friday, February 21. Instruction will shift to remote learning and staff members will respond to inquiries by phone and email. Weekend classes will run as scheduled.