HyFlex Learning

Flexible Schedule

HyFlex courses offer a flexible schedule that allows students to CHOOSE how they will ATTEND their class sessions.

Choose How to Attend

Students can choose to attend sessions in person, live online, or online. (Note that the live online option may not be available for all HyFlex courses.)

Students choose how they attend on a class-by-class basis. Come to class when you need face-to-face instruction. Attend live online or online when you can’t make it to class. It’s that easy to flex your learning.

How to Identify HyFlex Courses

Courses that are offered in the HyFlex format will have a section code beginning with HF (ex: ENG-111-HF1).

Attendance Options

Spring 2025 HyFlex Courses

Meets in-person or online:

  • CJC-113-HF1
  • CJC-222-HF1
  • ENG-011-HF1C
  • ENG-111-HF1
  • ENG-111-HF1C
  • ENG-114-HF1
  • HIS-112-HF1
  • MAT-043-HF1C
  • MAT-263-HF1
  • MUS-110-HF1
  • MUS-122-HF1
  • MUS-126-HF1
  • PSY-237-HF1
  • PSY-241-HF1
  • PSY-281-HF1

Meets in-person, live online, or online:

  • PSY-150-HF1


Attend scheduled class session in-person on campus.

Live Online

Attend scheduled class session by logging in online through Microsoft Teams/Moodle.


Attend by completing activities online by the weekly due dates.


  • Attend class on campus in the designated classroom or lab. 
  • Complete required learning activities, assignments, and tests by the designated due dates.

Live Online

  • Log into the Microsoft Teams link in your Moodle course at least 5 minutes early.
  • You will need a microphone and speakers/headphones.
  • Instructors will provide expectations on how you should participate.
  • Keep your microphone muted unless you are talking.
  • If you cannot hear what is being said, alert the instructor so they can clarify or repeat what was said.
  • Complete required learning activities, assignments, and tests by the designated due dates.


  •  Complete required learning activities, assignments, and tests by the designated due dates.



902 Herring Avenue
Wilson, NC 27893
(252) 291-1195

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Weather Update

Due to the threat of inclement weather, WCC will be closed on Friday, February 21. Instruction will shift to remote learning and staff members will respond to inquiries by phone and email. Weekend classes will run as scheduled.