College Transfer: map pin drop illustration starting at Wilson Community College with a path that says College Transfer Degree leading to another map pin drop that ends the path with NC 4-Year College or University

Four-Year Transfer Schools

Colleges & Universities that Accept Your Transfer Degree

Find four-year colleges or universities in North Carolina that accept your transfer degree.

Transfer Guides

A Transfer Guide outlines a student’s pathway from completing an associate transfer degree at a community college to finishing a bachelor’s degree at a UNC System university. It lists the recommended math, science, and elective courses a student should take to ensure a smooth transfer from the community college to the four-year institution.  Use the link below to access the search tool and start exploring the Transfer Guides available by university and/or major across the UNC System.

How to Use Transfer Guides

Transfer Guide Search Tool

UNC Transfer Equivalency Tool

Find courses at your UNC school that are equivalent to your WCC courses.



902 Herring Avenue
Wilson, NC 27893
(252) 291-1195

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Weather Update

Due to the threat of inclement weather, WCC will be closed on Friday, February 21. Instruction will shift to remote learning and staff members will respond to inquiries by phone and email. Weekend classes will run as scheduled.