• Programs
  • Law Enforcement Management Institute

Law Enforcement Management Institute

The management training program is limited to 36 participants and requires the chief, sheriff, or director’s approval of the applicant’s employing agency. Applicants must have a minimum of three years, full-time criminal justice experience, and have previously completed a First Line Supervision course to be eligible for admission to the program.

Application for the Law Enforcement Management Institute (pdf)


Upon satisfactory completion of all program requirements, each manager will receive a special certificate of achievement. Successful completion requires 90% attendance at each session topic.


There will be no costs incurred for registration or student handouts of certified members of North Carolina criminal justice agencies. For clarification reference: North Carolina General Statutes 115B Tuition Waivers.

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Participants are expected to attend all class sessions. Any student absent for more than 10% of an individual topic will not be given credit for the topic and will not receive successful program completion until the topic is successfully completed in a subsequent offering of the Management Institute within the following year. Students will be expected to be on time for all class sessions.

The Coastal Plain Law Enforcement Management Institute is a unique opportunity for mid and upper managers of law enforcement agencies. The class sessions allow regional law enforcement managers an opportunity and access to law enforcement experts who have attained specialized skills and knowledge in their respective fields. The program emphasizes four key areas of management:

  • Managing YOURSELF
  • Managing YOUR PEOPLE

The Law Enforcement Management Institute is designed to provide students with in-service training in two-day sessions over a seven-month period in order to minimize the amount of time spent away from their respective departments.

Project Requirement

Participants will be required to complete a management-related project as part of the graduation requirements. Projects will be chosen and coordinated in conjunction with the student’s employing agency. The selection of a project should have value to both the student and agency, such as development of a new policy and procedure or implementation of a new community program. Each student will be required to present their project to a panel of professionals at the conclusion of the management program. While the student will be responsible for completion of the project, the agency should appoint a staff member to serve as a contact for guidance in obtaining needed resources.

Dress Code

Students are expected to dress in a manner commensurate with the profession and agency they represent. A professional appearance will be expected during all class sessions. Blue jeans, shorts, t-shirts, and tank tops are considered inappropriate dress. Business casual is the recommended mode of dress.

Session TopicsHours
Project Guidelines & Overview8 hours
Time Management8 hours
Myers-Briggs Assessment8 hours
The Ethical Organization16 hours
Policy and Procedure Development16 hours
Situational Leadership16 hours
Developing Community Relations16 hours
Liability Issues for Managers16 hours
Budget Planning16 hours
Presentation Skills8 hours
Grant Preparation & Applications8 hours
Media Relations16 hours
Handling Problem Employees16 hours
Personnel Law Issues16 hours
Law Enforcement Benefits8 hours
Management – Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow8 hours
Project Presentations16 hours
Summary, Review & Evaluation4 hours
Total220 hours


Lin Mitchell is a Management Communication Consultant and an Instructor for the Duke University Medical Center. She is also an instructor with the EMBA & WEMBA programs at UNC-CH Kenan Business at Duke University and a faculty member in the Duke University School of Medicine. She is a facilitator and trainer, a Certified Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Professional, and a Franklin-Covey Certified Facilitator. She conducts seminars, retreats, and workshops on management issues, professional development, and wellness topics. Lin has worked with numerous Law Enforcement, Healthcare, Industry, and Education institutions. Lin is a graduate of Campbell University and has completed advanced studies at UNC-Chapel Hill, and other academic institutions.

Thomas M. Moss is Chief of Police in Garner, NC, he holds a Master of Public Administration Degree from East Carolina University and a Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice from NC Wesleyan College. Chief Moss is a graduate of the 151st FBI National Academy and the Municipal Administration Program at the Institute of Government at UNC Chapel Hill. Chief Moss previously served as an Assistant Police Chief with the Kinston Police Department, a Criminal Justice Instructor and Department Chair at Wake Technical Community College in Raleigh and as a patrol officer and crime scene investigator with the Rocky Mount Police Department. He is a member and past president of the NC Association of Chiefs of Police and holds Life Membership in the International Association of Chief of Police. He specializes in the area of local government budgeting in North Carolina.

Mark Jones, Ph.D. is Professor of Criminal Justice at East Carolina University. He received his Ph.D. in Criminal Justice at Sam Houston State University in 1994. He also holds a Master’s Degree in Criminal Justice from Georgia State University and a Bachelor’s Degree in Recreation from the University of Georgia. He has published dozens of articles and other writings in academic and practitioner publications. He is the author of four books: Community Corrections (Waveland Publishing), Criminal Justice Pioneers in U.S. History (Allyn and Bacon Publishing), Criminals of the Bible: Twenty-Five Case Studies of Biblical Outlaws (Faithwalk Publishing), and History of Criminal Justice, with Herbert Johnson and Nancy Travis Wolfe (Lexis Nexis Publishing). He also is the editor and author of a forthcoming edition of Exploring Corrections in America, with John Whitehead and Michael Braswell (Lexis Nexis Publishing).

Thomas Hopkins is a lieutenant with the Wilson Police Department in Wilson, North Carolina. Thomas is completing Doctoral work and currently holds a Master’s Degree in Criminology with a concentration in Law from Indiana State University. He is a graduate from the Administrative Officer’s Management Program (AOMP) at North Carolina State University; and the Senior Management Program from Coastal Plains Law Enforcement Training Center at Wilson Community College. Lieutenant Hopkins has served with the Wilson Police Department since 1993 and has worked in patrol, professional standards, vice/narcotics, recruitment, and on the department’s honor guard, and the special response team. He currently serves as a district commander.

James G. Lawson retired from the Roanoke Rapids Police Department in 2008 with thirty five years of service in law enforcement. Having attended various grant management and program courses sponsored by both the state and federal government, he has been successful in obtaining close to a million dollars for his agency. He has also assisted numerous law enforcement agencies throughout North Carolina in researching and preparing grant applications for their agency. Chief Lawson has been an active criminal justice instructor since 1989  teaching numerous courses in basic law enforcement training, criminal justice instructors’ certification and police management.”

Susan D. Moore is the retired Sheriff’s Attorney from the Guilford County Sheriff’s Office in Greensboro, North Carolina. She is a graduate of Wake Forest University Law School, East Carolina University, and Mount Olive College. Ms. Moore began her career working with law enforcement at the North Carolina Justice Academy. She is the author of several books on civil duties of Sheriffs. She has been actively involved in law enforcement training and development in North Carolina for more than thirty years. She has served as School Director for both Jailer Certification Courses (now Detention Officer Certification) and Criminal Justice Instructor Training at the Justice Academy. As the legal advisor for the Guilford County Sheriff’s Office, her responsibilities included advising and representing the Sheriff and his deputies on all aspects of their duties and responsibilities. She is considered an authority on the duties and responsibilities of Sheriffs in North Carolina.

Harry P. Dolan is Chief of Police in Raleigh, North Carolina, and holds a Master’s Degree in Organizational Leadership from UNC at Pembroke. He completed the Police Executive Development Program at UNC-CH and is a Certified Public Manager by the National Consortium of Certified Public Managers. Chief Dolan has served as a deputy sheriff in Buncombe County, a police officer with the City of Raleigh, Chief of Police for the North Carolina Department of Human Resources, and Chief of Police in Lumberton, and Chief of Police in Grand Rapids, Michigan prior to his present position. He is a member of the National Community Policing Resource Board and considered a national authority on developing community relations.

Charles K. Coe, D.P.A., serves as a Professional in the Department of Political Science and Public Administration at North Carolina State University. He teaches in the Law Enforcement Executive Program and the Administrative Officers Management Program. He has over 40 years management experience with state and local government and has authored numerous books and articles in the areas of budgeting and fiscal management. He has served as personnel analyst, assistant to the city manager, budget analyst and budget officer for the City of Grand Rapids, Michigan. He received his Doctorate in Public Administration from the University of Georgia in 1982.

Alex Gazaway currently serves as a sergeant with the Cary Police Department. Alex began his career in 1988 with the Rocky Mount Police Department where he serves as a patrol officer, DARE Officer, and training and recruitment specialist. He transferred to the Cary Police Department in 1998. He has served as a field training officer, personnel officer, training coordinator, and CALEA accreditation manager. Alex currently serves as a member of the Emergency Response Team and Field Training assistant coordinator. Sergeant Gazaway is an instructor with Coastal Plains Law Enforcement Training Center and specializes in the areas of field training, instructor training, and physical fitness. He is a former school director and the past president of the NC Law Enforcement Training Officers Association.



902 Herring Avenue
Wilson, NC 27893
(252) 291-1195

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Weather Update

Due to the threat of inclement weather, WCC will be closed on Friday, February 21. Instruction will shift to remote learning and staff members will respond to inquiries by phone and email. Weekend classes will run as scheduled.