The Natural Hair Care program is designed to teach students how to care for natural hair without the use of chemical such as perms/relaxers and hair color. the style techniques include braiding, twisting, wrapping, extending and locking natural hair. The coursework also includes teaching the proper health, safety, and sanitation procedures to avoid spreading infections.
Tuition: $185.00
Technology Fee: $5.00
Textbooks & Kit (Required): contact the Bookstore at 252-246-1222 for current pricing
- All Natural Hair students must provide a copy of their social security card and driver’s license on the first day of class.
- Interested students are required to take the Cosmetic Arts Center placement test prior to registration.
- To schedule a placement test, please contact Tonya Brinkley.
- Must score 75% to enroll.
- Upon successful completion of placement testing, students will be notified of the steps to complete their enrollment.
Registration is also available via phone, email or U.S.P.S. mail.
Additional Information
- Natural Hair Care classes run Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, 5:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
- All classes are held at the WCC Cosmetic Arts Center at 2616 Forest Hills Road.
The Natural Hair Care program takes 2 semesters to complete and consists of 2 courses.
Natural Hair Care I
Natural Hair Care II
After successfully completing the Natural Hair Care program, students will be eligible to sit for the North Carolina State Board of Cosmetic Arts exam to become licensed Natural Hair Care Specialists.
Explore our full Cosmetology program for expanded career opportunities.
Natural Hair services are by appointment and walk-in. Services are provided on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings from 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Please call 252-243-3158 or email Margie Norfleet at to schedule an appointment.

Cosmetology Instructor
Department: Continuing Education
Phone: (252) 243-3158
Office: Cosmetic Arts Center, Z102

Special Projects Coordinator
Department: Continuing Education
Phone: (252) 243-3158
Office: Cosmetic Arts Center, Z201

Cosmetology Instructor
Department: Continuing Education
Phone: (252)243-3158
Office: Cosmetic Arts Center, Z101