Work-Based Learning is designed to give students enrolled in curriculum programs an opportunity to work on a job while completing their degrees. This combination of classroom instruction with practical/related work experience provides numerous benefits to participating students.
Work-Based Learning students work from one to three semesters in part-time or full-time jobs with employers approved by the College. Academic credit is earned for the learning gained during the Work-Based Learning work period. Students are contacted periodically by their Work-Based Learning instructor and/or their advisor and receive on-the-job supervision by the employer.
Eligibility Requirements
All students enrolled in programs that offer the option of Work-Based Learning for academic credit, and who have completed a minimum of two full-time academic semesters (at least 24 semester hours), are eligible to enter the Work-Based Learning program if they meet the following conditions:- Academic standing of at least a 2.0 GPA.
- Approval from the Work-Based Learning instructor and faculty advisor.
- Supervisor willing to direct the Work-Based Learning experience who is legitimately in charge of the student (this includes students who are owners/operators of a business).