Policies for Students

All policies apply to all students, regardless of mode of instructional delivery, unless expressly defined by the college. Refer to the current catalog for more information.

Academic Forgiveness Policy

Students may apply for the forgiveness of grades earned at Wilson Community College, under the provision of the College’s Academic Forgiveness Policy. Courses and grades will not be removed from the student’s cumulative record, but grades that are forgiven will no longer be calculated into the student’s cumulative grade point average. Academic forgiveness for courses completed at Wilson Community College may not be honored when a student transfers to another college or university. Receiving institutions are not required to disregard course grades forgiven by WCC.

The following criteria must be met to be considered for Academic Forgiveness:

  • Academic forgiveness must be initiated by the student who has not been continuously enrolled for three years.
  • Academic forgiveness applies to courses taken at Wilson Community College, at least three years prior to the date of application for academic forgiveness.
  • Only prior courses with grades of “F” or “WF” will be eligible for academic forgiveness.
  • The student must be currently enrolled and completed a minimum of 6 credit hours required for the current program of study, within the previous year. The student must achieve an overall grade point average of 2.5 or above in these courses.

If you would like to apply for forgiveness please complete the Academic Forgiveness Form. The form may be submitted in person to Student Development (F100) or via email to registrar@wilsoncc.edu  from your Wilson CC student email account.

NOTE: Academic forgiveness cannot be used to waive satisfactory academic progress standards for financial aid.

Attendance Policies

Wilson Community College is committed to the academic success of all students. Therefore, the College utilizes an attendance policy that supports the attainment of skills and competencies necessary for its instructional programs.

Students are expected to attend all regularly scheduled classes, laboratories, clinical, and shop sessions to meet the objectives of their course. Attendance in distance education courses is defined by completion of assignments and structured online activity.

Attendance begins with the first day of class and students must attend class on or before the 10 percent point to be considered enrolled. Failure to attend class by the 10 percent point will result in the student being withdrawn from the course as a “Never Attended” classification. After the 10 percent point, faculty may withdraw a student from a course after two consecutive weeks of nonattendance. Nonattendance is defined as missing weekly regularly scheduled class meetings, in addition to not completing or participating in any assignments or course activities during that period.

Individual programs and/or departments, with the approval of the Vice President for Academic Affairs, may set more stringent attendance policies. The attendance policy for each course is stated on the course syllabus and it is the student’s responsibility to read, understand, and abide by the policies.

Online (NT) Attendance
Student “attendance” in online courses is defined as active participation. Active participation will be tracked through submission/completion of course activities by the posted weekly due dates.

Hybrid (HY) and Blended (BL) Attendance
Hybrid and blended courses are a combination of classroom and online instruction. Students will meet on campus at designated times and complete online assignments as directed in the Schedule located in the Syllabus. For the classroom component of the course, the College’s traditional Attendance Policy will be followed. For the online component, the College’s Online Attendance Policy will be followed. Attendance will be calculated through a combination of the classroom attendance and the completion of online activities.

Hyflex (HF) Attendance
Student attendance requirements in hyflex courses can be satisfied by either physically attending or attending synchronously remote during the scheduled class time.

Audit Policy

The privilege of auditing a course is available to full and part-time students with permission of the instructor. Students who wish to audit a course must declare this intent on the Audit Grade Reporting form, obtain the instructor’s signature, and submit the form to the Associate Vice President of Enrollment Services/Registrar prior to the fifth class day of the semester.

Once an Audit Grade Reporting form has been processed, students will not be allowed to change back to credit status. To audit, students must register for the course and pay regular tuition, except in the case of full-time students (16 or more credit hours) who may audit with no additional charge.
Audit requests are considered if space is available. Audit students will not displace degree-seeking students. Students who audit courses with a clinical component do not take part in the clinical aspect of the course. Audited courses receive no grade and no quality points.

Audit students are expected to adhere to the same attendance policy as credit students. Participation in class discussion and examinations are at the discretion of the instructor. A grade of “AU” is given for record purposes. Students may audit a course twice and a withdrawal will count as an attempt. A grade of “WAU” will be given for withdrawals. Credit by examination will not be allowed for courses that have been audited.

NOTE: Audited course hours do not count toward financial aid awards or VA benefits.

Catalog Requirements

Students are expected to meet the catalog requirements in effect at the time of their enrollment in a curriculum program. Anyone not enrolled for two or more consecutive semesters (excluding summer semester), must be readmitted to the College and must meet the degree requirements of the catalog in effect at the time of their readmission. In the event of an extenuating circumstance, the student may request a change of catalog. The request must be made to the advisor and approved by the Curriculum Dean.

Children on Campus

State policy prohibits attendance in any class, laboratory, or class activity by anyone not enrolled in that course. As such, children are not allowed to accompany a parent or other student, faculty, or staff member to any on-campus academic activity, including but not limited to classes, labs, the Learning Resource Center, or College events, other than when the general public has been invited. If a student brings a child or other visitor to such an activity, they will be asked to leave by the instructor or a staff member.

Children visiting campus must be supervised by a responsible adult and may not be left unattended and/or unsupervised at any time. If any child is found unattended and/or unsupervised anywhere on campus, the Vice President of Student Development or the senior administrator on duty should be notified immediately. If the appropriate administrator is unavailable, security should be called. The parent or other person responsible for leaving the child unattended will be located and asked to leave campus. Depending on the circumstances, security may be asked to investigate and disciplinary action or other charges could result. Violations by College employees will be reported to the employee’s supervisor.

Minors registered for on-campus College classes and/or activities under Career and College Promise, Early College, and/or TRIO programs must comply with all applicable federal, state, and College guidelines.

Applicants, students, and visitors should exercise reasonable judgment in the decision to include children in non-academic activities such as on-campus registration for classes. The College assumes no liability for injuries to minors on campus, other than enrolled students at the College, or invited guests.

Communicable Disease Policy

Students and employees of the College who may be infected with a reportable communicable disease as defined by the North Carolina Commission for Health Services will not be excluded from enrollment or employment, or restricted in their access to College services or facilities, unless medically-based judgments in individual cases establish that exclusion or restriction is necessary for the welfare of the individual, other members of the College community, or others associated with the College through clinical, cooperative, intern, or other such experiences, involving the general public.

Examples of communicable diseases include: HIV/AIDS, TB, and STD’s. Individuals who know that they are infected are urged to share that information with the Vice President of Student Development, so the College can assist in the appropriate response to their health and educational needs. The College is obligated by law to disclose to public health officials information about all confirmed cases of communicable diseases.

Persons who may have reasonable basis for believing that they are infected are expected to seek expert advice about their health circumstances and are obligated, ethically and legally, to conduct themselves responsibly in accordance with such knowledge for the protection of others.

Course Prerequisite/Corequisite Policy

Many courses have prerequisites of one or more courses that must be completed before enrolling in the course with a listed prerequisite(s). Some courses have corequisite(s) of one or more courses that must be taken at the same time, or prior to, the course with a listed corequisite. Prerequisites and/or corequisites are listed in the individual course descriptions in this catalog. All students, including special credit students and audit students, must meet prerequisite and corequisite requirements. Students may request a Credit by Examination to demonstrate their knowledge and skills of a prerequisite or corequisite course (see Credit by Examination procedures in the Catalog).

Students who early register for classes that have a prerequisite/corequisite, but who do not successfully complete the required courses, must make appropriate schedule changes within the Schedule Adjustment period. Students who do not make those adjustments will be dropped from courses for which they do not meet prerequisite/corequisite requirements.

Course Repeat Policy

Students who receive a grade of “C” or better on a curriculum course can repeat the course once. Students who receive a grade below “C” on a curriculum course may repeat the course until a grade of “C” or better has been obtained.

No course may be counted more than once in calculating the total number of hours towards graduation. Only the highest grade will be used for computing total credit hours attempted and passed, total quality points, and grade point averages. Only courses repeated at Wilson Community College will replace grades in computing GPAs. Transfer credit does not replace previous course grades.

For financial aid purposes, a student is allowed to repeat a previously passed class only once and then only to improve the course grade. Regardless of the grade a student receives on the second attempt of a previously passed class, financial aid will not be given for future attempts. A student may continue to attempt courses for which a passing grade has not been earned and receive financial aid with the exception of the 30 hour limitation on developmental courses. Veterans who wish to repeat a course, for which a passing grade has been earned, will not receive educational benefits for repeating the course.

Discrimination and Harassment Policy

Wilson Community College does not discriminate or permit discrimination by any member of its community against any individual on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, disability, familial status, veteran status, genetic information, or citizenship in matters of admission, employment, or services or in the educational programs or activities it operates.

Harassment, whether verbal, physical, or visual, that is based on any of these characteristics is a form of discrimination. This includes harassing conduct affecting tangible job benefits, interfering unreasonably with an individual’s academic work or work performance, or creating what a reasonable person would perceive as an intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment.

Any student who feels that he or she has experienced or witnessed discrimination or harassment, other than discrimination or harassment based on sex/gender, should contact the Vice President of Student Development. Discrimination or harassment based on sex/gender should be reported to the Title IX Coordinator. (See Title IX and Sexual Harassment).

Drop Procedure

It is the student’s responsibility to officially withdraw from a course(s), or from the College, according to the following procedures. Students receiving financial aid should consult the Financial Aid Office before dropping a course(s).

  • Students officially withdrawing from a course(s) prior to the first day of the academic period, must do so by contacting their advisor. Students who withdraw prior to the first day of the academic period are eligible for a 100% tuition refund. For all drops involving a refund, students are encouraged to follow up with the Cashier in the College’s Business Office.
  • Students requesting to drop a course(s) on or after the first day of the semester, must make the request to the instructor of the course(s), which can be done in person, by telephone, or by e-mail from the student’s College account.
  • Students officially withdrawing from a course(s) on or after the first day of the academic period, but on or prior to the official 10% point (refund period) of the academic period, are eligible for a 75% tuition refund. For all drops involving a refund, students are encouraged to follow up with the College cashier in the Business Office.
  • Students who register for course(s) and do not attend/enter the course(s) by the census date (10% date for the course), will be dropped as never attended (NA) and will not be charged tuition and fees.
  • Students who withdraw from a course after the last day of the registration period,
    but on or before the 60% percent point of the semester, will receive a grade of “W”.
  • Students who withdraw from a course after the 60% point will receive a failing grade of “WF”.
  • Students requesting a grade of “W” after the 60% point must provide documentation of the reason for withdrawal to the Vice President of Student Development, who will make a final determination in consultation with the instructor and/or Curriculum Dean.

Electronic Devices Policy

College faculty and staff have the right to determine whether the use of electronic devices is appropriate for the classroom or learning environment. Electronic devices include but are not limited to: cell phones, laptops, tablets, music players, cameras, electronic readers, and electronic gaming devices.

The use of electronic devices is generally prohibited during testing situations, unless otherwise directed by the instructor. The use of such devices during testing may be considered a violation of the student code of conduct and could result in disciplinary action. Exceptions may be made when the use of an electronic device is required for an accommodation through Accessibility Services.

Electronic devices may not be used in any manner that disrupts educational activities or the business functions of the College. Cell phones, cameras, or other devices should not be used to photograph or record others without their consent. The College is not responsible for cell phones or other electronic devices that are lost, damaged, or stolen on the campus or in facilities maintained by the College.

Electronic Signature Policy

Wilson Community College (WCC) recognizes an electronic signature as a valid signature for faculty, staff, students, and the Board of Trustees.

An electronic signature is defined as any electronic process signifying an approval to terms and/or ensuring the integrity of documents, presented in electronic format. An electronic signature is a valid signature for faculty, staff, students, and the Board of Trustees if the communication occurs through a Wilson Community College account.

Electronic signatures from accounts not issued by the College will not be accepted.
Students use electronic signatures for processes, including but not limited to, registering, checking financial aid awards, paying student bills, obtaining unofficial transcripts, updating contact information, logging into campus computers, completing forms, submitting class work, testing, etc.

Faculty and staff use electronic signatures for processes including, but not limited to, submitting grades and attendance, accessing campus computers, accessing course management systems, viewing payroll data, accessing protected data through administrative computing systems and other applications supported by the college, etc.

Board of Trustees use electronic signatures for processes including, but not limited to, authorizing and/or approving actions of the College, its officers, and employees.

This policy is in addition to all applicable federal and state statutes, policies, guidelines, and standards.

FERPA and Release of Information

Wilson Community College supports the rights and privacies afforded each student by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) and is in compliance with its provisions. FERPA affords eligible students certain rights with respect to their education records. An “eligible student” under FERPA is a student who is 18 years of age or older OR who attends a postsecondary institution.

These rights include:

  • The right to inspect and review the student’s education records within 45 days after the day the College receives a request for access. A student should submit a written request to the Associate Vice President of Enrollment Services/Registrar, that identifies the record(s) the student wishes to inspect. The College will make arrangements for access and notify the student of the time and place where the records may be inspected.
  • The right to request the amendment of the student’s education records that the student believes is inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of the student’s privacy rights under FERPA.
    A student who wishes to ask the College to amend a record should submit a written request to the Associate Vice President of Enrollment Services/Registrar, clearly identify the part of the record the student wants changed, and specify why it should be changed.
    If the College determines that a requested amendment is not warranted, the student will be notified in writing of the decision and the right to a hearing regarding the request for amendment. Additional information regarding the hearing procedures will be provided to the student when notified of the right to a hearing.
  • The right to provide written consent before the College discloses personally identifiable information (PII) from the student’s education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent. The College discloses education records without a student’s prior written consent under the FERPA exception for disclosure to College officials with legitimate educational interests. A College official is a person employed by the College in an administrative, supervisory, academic, research, or support staff position; a person serving on the board of trustees; or a student serving on an official committee, such as a disciplinary or grievance committee. A College official has a legitimate educational interest if the official needs to review an education record in order to fulfill his or her professional responsibilities for the College.
  • The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by the College to comply with the requirements of FERPA. The name and address of the Office that administers FERPA is:

Family Policy Compliance Office
U.S. Department of Education
400 Maryland Avenue, SW
Washington, DC 20202

Directory Information

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), a Federal law, requires that Wilson Community College, with certain exceptions, obtain written consent prior to the disclosure of personally identifiable information (PII) from education records. However, the College may disclose appropriately designated “directory information” without written consent, unless you have advised the College to the contrary in accordance with College procedures. The primary purpose of directory information is to allow the College to include this type of information in certain College publications.

Examples include:

  • A program for College-related activities and events;
  • President’s List, Dean’s List, or other recognition lists;
  • Graduation programs

Directory information, which is information that is generally not considered harmful or an invasion of privacy if released, can also be disclosed to outside organizations without a student’s prior written consent. The following information is classified as directory information:

  • Student’s name
  • Student’s Identification Number (for use on ID cards)
  • Major field of study
  • Dates of attendance
  • Participation in officially recognized College activities
  • Degrees, honors, and awards received

The Associate Vice President of Enrollment Services/Registrar is the designated FERPA Compliance Officer and will be responsible for the release of all official student records, files, and data directly related to students, including information kept in cumulative records and intended for College use, or to be available to persons or agencies outside the College for questions or concerns about student records and/or release of records.

The College reserves the right to restrict disclosure of directory information to outside organizations that may use the information for profit.

FERPA forms may be submitted to the office of Student Development located in F-100 (Valid photo ID is required at time of submission.) or via email to registrar@wilsoncc.edu from your Wilson CC student email account.

NOTE: Any student who does not wish the College to release any or all of the information designated as directory information without the student’s written consent, must notify the Associate Vice President of Enrollment Services/Registrar’s Office in Building F.

Grade Appeals

Faculty have the responsibility to assign student grades according to standards that are acceptable, communicated to all students, and applied equally. A student who has a disagreement with an instructor’s professional judgment in grading should attempt to resolve the matter with the instructor who issued the grade.

Appeals will not be considered unless based on at least one of the following conditions:

  • An error was made in the calculation of the final grade.
  • The final grade assigned was based on standards different from those applied to other students in the same course and section.
  • The instructor deviated from grading standards as stated in the course syllabus, without notifying students.

NOTE: In the event the student is contending that the disputed grade was assigned based on or influenced by the student’s age, race, sex, national origin, religion, or disability, the student must follow the procedure outlined in the Grievance Policy.

When exceptional circumstances warrant an appeal of the instructor’s decision, a student may employ the following grade appeals process:

  • A student must attempt to resolve the grading matter through dialogue with the instructor who issued the grade within 10 instructional days of the final grade being received or posted.
  • A student who disagrees with the instructor’s decision may appeal to the dean who oversees that instructor within 5 instructional days of the decision of the Instructor by completing a Grade Appeal Form. The Grade Appeal Form is the document of record and is available upon request, from the instructor.
  • The curriculum dean will determine whether a review is required, and if necessary, the manner by which any review will be performed. The dean will determine the appropriate action necessary and send a certified letter to the student outlining the decision within 5 instructional days of the date the appeal was made.
  • A student may appeal the dean’s decision by submitting the Grade Appeals Form to the Vice President for Academic Affairs, within 5 instructional days of receipt of the certified letter. The Vice President for Academic Affairs will appoint an Academic Appeals Committee (AAC) to hear the appeal. The AAC will be comprised of one dean and two faculty members who will be chosen on an ad-hoc basis by the Vice President for Academic Affairs. The AAC will review the appeal and decide on appropriate action. A certified letter will be sent to the student outlining the decision within 10 instructional days of the date the final appeal was made. The AAC’s decision will be considered final.

Inclement Weather Policy

When driving conditions are declared hazardous by state/local officials and citizens are urged to drive only in emergencies, the College will be closed and will remain closed until conditions improve. Classes may be cancelled or suspended as deemed necessary by the College Administration.

When the College is closed, notifications will be provided through the following methods:

  • College website
  • E-mail/text messages (College emergency notification system)
  • Local news outlets
  • Social media channels
  • College information line (252) 246-1234

If the College opens at a time different from normal operating hours, students should report to the classes that would be in progress at that time. If the College closes early, classes in progress will end at the designated closing time, classes after that time will be cancelled. When classes are cancelled due to the closing of the College, arrangements will be made to make up missed instructional hours to ensure that students receive the full hours of instructional time that is required for each course.

Incomplete Grade Policy

If the student is unable to take the final examination or complete the final project because of illness or other reasons over which the student has no control, the grade of “Incomplete” is given at the discretion of the instructor. The instructor will file a written statement of conditions for removal of the Incomplete on the Incomplete Grade Form, with one copy to the student and one copy to be placed in the student’s permanent file. The amount of time allowed for removing an Incomplete shall be determined by the instructor, not exceeding the mid-point of the following semester, unless approved by the Vice President for Academic Affairs. Failure to complete the required work will result in a grade of “F” in the course.
NOTE: The incomplete policy does not apply to WBL 111, 112, 121, and 131. See the WBL Handbook for additional information regarding WBL courses.

Independent Study Policy

A student requesting approval to enroll in an independent study course is only eligible if the course is needed to graduate in the term for which it is requested, but is not offered. VA recipients must see the Director of Financial Aid/Veterans Affairs (F105d) regarding the possible impact an independent study course may have on VA benefits. A student seeking to enroll in an independent study course must do so by following the procedures outlined below:

  • A student must complete an Independent Study Request Form and obtain approval prior to the first class day of the semester.
  • The student must first seek approval from the instructor of the course. Upon approval from the instructor, the student must continue the approval process as specified on the form.
  • The student’s advisor will confirm that the course is needed for graduation in the term.
  • Upon approval, the student must register for the course.
  • Independent study course work will be evaluated by the assigned faculty in accordance with the established grading policies.
  • The student will be required to meet with the instructor weekly or at specified times established by the instructor.
  • The student must complete a minimum of 50% of the required contact hours for the course. In order to document the amount of time dedicated to the course, the student will be provided a time sheet to record on-campus contact with the instructor.
  • Assignments, tests, projects, etc. assigned by the instructor must be completed in accordance with all the posted due dates.

Withdrawal from an independent study course results in a grade of “W” or “WF” depending on the point in the semester when the drop occurs.

Late Entry

During the fall, spring, and summer semesters, students must attend or enter class on or before the census date. The census date is 10% of the total class hours, which is the date set by the state for reporting purposes. Class attendance/entry by the census date enables the student to be included in state-required attendance reports. Failure to attend or enter a class on or before the course census date will result in the student being dropped as a never attended (NA) from their class(es). Students will not be permitted to enter the class without the permission of the curriculum dean. The decision of the curriculum dean is final.

Marketing Release Statement

By completing and submitting an Application for Admission, a student authorizes Wilson Community College to use his or her photo/video/voice or written statement for marketing purposes, through print, electronic or social media, unless otherwise stated at the time of image collection.

Refund Policies

Curriculum Tuition Refunds

The tuition refund policy is set by the state and is subject to change by action of the North Carolina General Assembly. Unless otherwise required by law, community colleges shall not issue a tuition refund except under the following circumstances:

A. A 100 percent refund will be provided if the student officially withdraws or is officially withdrawn by the College from a course prior to the first day of the academic period as noted on the College calendar.

B. A 100 percent refund will be provided if the College cancels a course in which the student is registered.

C. A 75 percent refund will be provided upon request if the student officially withdraws or is officially withdrawn by the College from the course prior to or on the 10 percent point of the academic period (last day to request a refund).

D. Military reserve, National Guard, or active duty military personnel who are temporarily or permanently reassigned may be eligible for a full refund of tuition and fees if completion of a semester is not possible. Textbook refunds may be provided to the extent possible, when approved by the Business Office.

Please note the following with regard to tuition refunds:

  • Allow four to six weeks for processing refunds.
  • For contact hour classes, 10 calendar days from the first day of the class(es) is the determination date.
  • To comply with applicable federal regulations regarding refunds to individuals or groups, federal regulations will supersede the state refund regulations stated in this rule.

Continuing Education Tuition Refunds

A. A 100% refund shall be made for occupational extension (OE) courses if the student officially withdraws from the class before the first class meeting by submitting a course withdrawal form.

B. Technology Fees and Security/Parking Fees are refunded if the student is entitled to a 100% refund.

C. A 75% refund shall be made for occupational extension (OE) courses if the student officially withdraws from the class prior to or on the 10% date of scheduled hours by submitting a course withdrawal form.

D. A full refund shall be made for classes canceled by the College. In the event the College cancels a class, no written request is necessary.

Please note the following with regard to tuition refunds:

  • Course withdrawal forms are available in the Continuing Education office.
  • There are no refunds for community service/self-supporting classes unless the course is canceled by the College.
  • Allow four to six weeks for processing refunds.

Refund for Fees

Student Activity Fees, Technology Fees, and Security/Parking Fees are not refunded unless a class fails to develop or if the student is entitled to a 100% tuition refund.

Textbook Refunds

Refund dates are subject to change to correspond to tuition refund dates established by the North Carolina General Assembly. Rental book returns must be made by the student to the commercial vendor. There is no refund on supply items.

Students should make sure they have purchased the correct books before removing wrapping/packaging and/or writing in them, as book returns and exchanges are limited. Please be aware that not all instructors use the same textbook for the same course. New books may be returned for full credit and/or exchange under the following conditions:

  • Within the first 10 college business days of the semester or, if the book is purchased after this point in the semester, within three business days;
  • Only if the student has a valid cash register receipt;
  • Only if the book has not been marked in or damaged in any manner;
  • Only if the book with software has not been removed from shrink-wrap or software package opened and;
  • Books purchased after the 10th College business day, may be returned only within 3 business days with a valid cash register receipt and in perfect, new condition. Shrink wrap must not be removed or software package opened.

Used books may be returned for full credit or exchange under the following conditions:

  • Within the first 10 college business days of the semester or, if the book is purchased after this point in the semester, within three business days;
  • Only if a drop slip is provided or the class is canceled;
  • Only if the student has a valid cash register receipt and;
  • Books purchased after the 10th college business day, may be returned only within 3 business days with a valid cash register receipt and in perfect, new condition.
  • Shrink wrap must not be removed or software package opened.

Refund decisions made by the bookstore staff may be appealed to the College Business Office – see bookstore manager for an appeal form. Other concerns related to the bookstore should be directed to the VP of Finance and Administration.

Military Refunds

The College is committed to compliance with Principles of Excellence standards set by the US Departments of Education, Defense, and Veterans Affairs, related to the enrollment of military personnel who receive temporary or permanent military reassignments that make it difficult or impossible to complete their studies.

Accommodations for military personnel may include:

  • Full refund of tuition and fees if completion of a semester or term is not possible.
  • Textbook refunds may be provided to the extent possible, for textbooks purchased from the College bookstore during the affected semester.

Students who are affected by military assignments should contact the Vice President of Student Development to request a refund for tuition and fees and/or textbooks. The Vice President of Student Development will review the request and make a recommendation to the Business Office.

Reinstatement to Class

When a student has been withdrawn from a class by the instructor for absences, the student may be reinstated with the instructor’s approval. If the request for reinstatement is denied, the student may appeal the decision to the appropriate curriculum dean. The decision of the dean is final.

Religious Observance Policy

In accordance with North Carolina Administrative Code, students may be granted two excused absences each academic year for a religious observance, required by their faith. Students will be given the opportunity to make up tests and assignments missed due to an excused absence for religious observance. Requests must be made according to College policy and procedure, as follows:

  • An academic year is defined as that period of time starting on August 15 of each year and ending on August 14 of the following year.
  • The two excused absences may be taken at any time during the academic year on either two separate days or two consecutive days.
  • The two excused absences are over and above other College attendance requirements.
  • The student must submit a completed Religious Observance form to the Vice President of Student Development, a minimum of two weeks prior to the date(s) the student intends to be absent.
  • The student must specify a specific date(s) for the intended absences and must acknowledge responsibility to make arrangements with each instructor to make up any missed work.

The Vice President of Student Development will make the student’s instructors aware of the intended absences. Faculty members are expected to note the excused absences as appropriate in class record documents.

Outstanding Charges or Loans

No student will be permitted to enroll in any program and/or receive grades or transcripts if he/she has charges due to the College from previous enrollments. Charges due may include, but are not limited to, financial aid overpayments, overdue library books, outstanding loans, etc.
Students who owe outstanding fees are not eligible to graduate or participate in commencement exercises until the outstanding balance is paid in full.

Payment Policies

Registration for classes is not complete until full tuition and fees are paid by the student, financial aid, or a third-party sponsor. Payment of all tuition and student fees is due at the time of registration. Malpractice insurance fees for students in Allied Health programs are due before clinical experience begins.

Students approved to receive financial aid who register for classes and find they are unable to attend, must officially withdraw from those classes (See Drop Procedure and Refund policies). Otherwise, their financial aid will be charged for the tuition and fees, and they may be liable for repayment should they fail to attend those classes.

Curriculum courses taken by Career and College Promise students at community colleges in accordance with G.S. 115D-20(4) are tuition-waived for Fall, Spring, and Summer semesters. Rules for student eligibility to participate in CCP courses are set by the State Board of Community Colleges and are subject to change. Eligible high school students are permitted to take noncredit continuing education courses, except adult basic skills, but regular registration fees apply.

All tuition and fees are subject to change by action of the North Carolina General Assembly.
The college accepts cash, money orders, checks, Discover, VISA, and MasterCard in person and accepts checks and money orders through the mail. Mailed payments are for early registration only. Please ensure that mailed payments are received by the payment deadline. During registration periods, payment for tuition and fees may also be made online through Student Planning or by phone. Payments for early registration may be mailed to: Cashier, Wilson Community College, P.O. Box 4305, Wilson, NC 27893. The Cashier’s Office is located in Building F, (252) 246-1259.

Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)

A 2.0 cumulative program grade point average (GPA) on courses required in one’s curriculum is the minimum required for graduation for all degrees, diplomas, and certificates. A 2.0 GPA on all courses completed at Wilson Community College will be considered the minimum for Satisfactory Academic Progress.

Student Accident Insurance

All accidents should be reported immediately to the instructor in charge of the instructional period. If accidents occur outside of instructional time, the Vice President of Student Development should be notified immediately.

All curriculum students are covered by student accident insurance while on campus, or when traveling directly to and from campus by the most direct route. Student fees pay for this secondary coverage. Student accident insurance is also required for some continuing education courses and is optional for all other continuing education students (See Continuing Education Fees in the Catalog). Accident insurance forms are available in Student Development, Building F.

Title IX & Sexual Harassment

Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972, protects individuals from discrimination based on sex in any educational program or activity operated by the College. Sexual harassment, which includes sexual violence, is a form of sex discrimination prohibited by Title IX. The College has designated a Title IX Coordinator, to direct the College’s compliance efforts and respond to inquiries concerning Title IX. A person may file a complaint regarding an alleged violation of Title IX by contacting the following persons:

Cindy Allen, Director of Human Resources/TIX Coordinator
PO Box 4305, Wilson, NC 27893
Office: C-106
Phone: (252) 246-1263
E-mail: callen@wilsoncc.edu

OR in Ms. Allen’s absence:

Amy Noel, Vice President of Student Development
PO Box 4305, Wilson, NC 27893
Office: F-103e
Phone: (252) 246-1275
E-mail: anoel@wilsoncc.edu

Please see the College Title IX/Campus Save Act policy and procedure on the College website, including the full range of reporting options and a complete description of the College’s implementation, investigation, and adjudication process.

A copy of the College Title IX policy and procedure is also available in the offices of the Director of Human Resources (C-106), Vice President of Student Development (F-100), and Dean of Continuing Education (B-106).

Additionally, persons may file a complaint with the Office of Civil Rights of the US Department of Education at:

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services How to File a Civil Rights Complaint

The College will also assist with connecting victims with community resources including:

  • NC Victim Assistance Network
    Wilson Crisis Center • (252) 237-5156
  • NC Coalition Against Sexual Assault
    Wesley Shelter • (252) 291-2344
    Wesley Shelter

In compliance with federal and state statutes, Wilson Community College is committed to maintaining and ensuring a work and study environment free of sexual discrimination, sexual harassment, and sexual violence. The College has the ability to address such allegations, conduct investigations, and provide prompt and effective remedial actions in a non-criminal context. The College’s process is separate and apart from law enforcement and/or the judicial system. If a College official has enough reason to believe a crime has been committed, he or she may be obligated to report the allegation to the police, if they have not yet been contacted. Student safety is the College’s primary concern and retaliation in any way against any individual who reports such conduct is strictly forbidden. Reporting a crime to law enforcement with jurisdiction is always an option.

Sexual harassment is defined as deliberate, unsolicited, and unwelcome verbal and/or physical conduct of a sexual nature or with sexual implications. No official, employee, or student shall exhibit coercion, restraint, or reprisal against anyone complaining of alleged sexual harassment and no personnel or academic decisions shall be made on the basis of the granting or denial of sexual favors. For a complete copy of the College’s sexual harassment policy, contact the Human Resources Office and/or the Vice President of Student Development.

Anyone who feels they have experienced sexual discrimination, sexual harassment, or sexual violence in violation of this policy may file a grievance with the Title IX Coordinator, Title IX Deputy Coordinator, or in his or her absence, any senior College administrator who will report all allegations to the appropriate person(s). An individual may also contact the Wilson Community College Police Department. Violation of this policy shall constitute possible disciplinary action up to and including dismissal of employment and or expulsion from the College.

The College will, upon written request, disclose to the alleged victim of a crime of violence (as that term is defined in section 16 of title 18, the United States Code), or a non-forcible sex offense, the results of any disciplinary proceeding conducted by the College against a student who is the alleged perpetrator of such crime or offense.

Tobacco Use Policy

Tobacco use, including e-cigarettes and similar devices, is not permitted in any building on the Wilson Community College campus or in any building under the control of the College. Tobacco use is prohibited anywhere on campus except in a personal vehicle or in the designated shelters. Tobacco use is also prohibited in any College owned vehicle or any state motor fleet vehicle maintained by the College.

Withdrawal and Impact to Financial Aid

When a student withdraws from classes, the College must calculate the amount of Federal and state aid that was not earned for the term. Unearned aid funds must be returned to the appropriate programs. Students may be required to repay a portion of their financial aid award for the term to the Department of Education (DOE), the College, and/or other agencies. Some examples include, but are not limited to: Pell Grant, SEOG, NCELS, NCCCG, NC Reach , Federal TAP, and Federal Direct Loans.

Students receiving Title IV aid are required to attend through the 60% point of the enrollment period. However, withdrawing at any point will likely result in the student owing a balance to the College.

Certain types of Title IV aid including the Federal Pell Grant, Federal Supplemental Education Opportunity Grant, and Direct Loans, are disbursed based on attendance. Failing to attend classes beyond the 60% point in the semester will result in an overpayment and/or a debt owed to the USDOE and/or the College. The law requires the Financial Aid Office to calculate the amount of Title IV assistance earned for all students who have not attended beyond the 60% point of the semester. If a student withdraws prior to the 60% point and an overpayment results, the student will be notified of any liability which must be repaid.

  • For students who withdraw prior to the 60% point and before grant disbursement, a post withdrawal disbursement will be calculated for the term based on the last date of attendance. The College may charge tuition and fees to the student’s award. As a result, students may owe the College a balance if they charged more than their prorated award.
  • For students who withdraw prior to the 60% point and after Title IV disbursement, a return of Title IV aid will be calculated based on the last date of attendance, to determine the amount of aid the student or College will need to repay. The return will not exceed half of the award disbursement. If the calculation reveals a student debt, the student will be given 45 days to pay the College to prevent loss of future aid. If the student does not pay the amount owed, the College will refer overpayments greater than $50 to the USDOE. The student will lose financial aid eligibility until the overpayment is resolved. The student will retain eligibility for aid up to the point the overpayment is referred to the USDOE, or 45 days from the date withdrawal is determined.
  • Withdrawing at any point may result in students owing a balance to the College. The College is required to perform a return calculation, even if a student withdraws after the 60% point of the enrollment term. If the College owes an amount as a result of a return calculation, the return will be processed within the 45 day deadline. The return will be equal to the amount of tuition and fees charged, times the unearned percentage of funds, or the entire excess funds. This will result in a student debt to the College that must be
    paid prior to enrolling for future terms or obtaining academic records or transcripts.
  • If a student withdraws prior to the 60% point and has Direct Loan origination funds that have not been disbursed, a post withdrawal disbursement will be calculated based on the last date of attendance; except for a student who is a first-time, first-year student who has not completed the first 30 days of their program. A letter will be mailed to the student offering the post withdrawal disbursement and giving them 15 days to accept the loan. The Financial Aid Office will zero out the loan if no reply is received by the deadline.
  • State grants are also based on attendance. The College is required to calculate the amount of state assistance that a student earned. Calculations are based on the last day of attendance. Students will be notified if any debt is incurred as a result of ceasing attendance.

Students are advised to seek counsel and carefully consider their options before withdrawing from classes. Dropping classes can negatively affect a student’s future aid eligibility, even if their GPA is not negatively impacted.

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Weather Update

Due to the threat of inclement weather, WCC will be closed on Friday, February 21. Instruction will shift to remote learning and staff members will respond to inquiries by phone and email. Weekend classes will run as scheduled.