Wilson Community College is proud to participate in the Dogwood Digital Library consortium of North Carolina Community College Libraries to share access to fiction and non-fiction eBooks and audiobooks, fiction films and documentary videos. Titles can be accessed via computer, the Libby App or the Kindle App on mobile devices.
- To borrow materials from the library, click on the Dogwood Digital Library link.
- If you are off-campus, sign in with your college username/password.
- Browse the titles by name, subject, collections, or type.
- If the title is available click ‘Borrow’.
- If the title is not available, you can put it on hold.
- Choose the type of the material (eBook, audiobook, or video)
The Libby App is allows you to use the Dogwood Digital Library on a mobile device.
Once you download the Libby app, you will be asked a few questions to link the app to your Wilson Community College Library account:
- Do you have a Library card? = Yes
- Tap “I’ll search for a Library” and type Wilson Community College
- Choose Dogwood Digital Library at Wilson Community College
- To sign in, tap Wilson Community College, tap Next, tap Continue. This will bring you to the WCC EZproxy Authentication site.
- Enter your college username and password and tap Login.
- Click Next to explore the available eBooks, audiobooks, and videos.
- Users can check out five items at a time and have five holds at a time.
- eBooks can be checked out for 21 days.
- Audiobooks can be checked out for 14 days.
- Streaming videos can be checked out for 7 days.
Contact the Library
Our knowledgeable Library staff is here to support you in your research needs.

Library Assistant
Department: Library
Phone: (252) 246-1373
Email: chorne@wilsoncc.edu
Office: D100a

Library Assistant
Department: Library
Phone: (252) 246-1247
Email: bwilkins@wilsoncc.edu
Office: D100a