NetTutor Online Tutoring

NetTutor Online Tutoring Service

Free online tutoring is available in the following subject areas:

  • Accounting
  • Algebra
  • Anatomy & Physiology
  • Basic Math
  • Biology
  • Business
  • Calculus
  • Chemistry
  • Communications
  • Computer Science
  • Criminology
  • Economics
  • Nursing & Allied Health
  • Pre-calculus
  • Psychology
  • Sociology
  • Spanish
  • Statistics
  • Writing & English
Free online tutoring available through NetTutor
Click the image to view a printable flyer.

The Paper Center allows students in ENG and COM courses to upload papers for review within 48 hours. Tutors are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Browser Information

  • All features of NetTutor are not available when accessed through Firefox. Please use either Google Chrome or Internet Explorer.
  • Browser settings must be adjusted to allow pop-ups.
  • How to turn off Pop-up Blockers

Login Information

    • Login to Moodle
    • Click the Online Tutoring link on the Moodle homepage (you may need to close the “My Courses” page to return to the Moodle homepage).
    • Click the “Get Tutoring” button next to the appropriate course.
    • Click “I Agree” to accept the NetTutor terms and conditions.
    • Select the type of tutoring needed.
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