Wilson Community College recommends the following computer hardware and software for student success. Some courses may require additional hardware or software, please check the course requirements posted in Moodle or on the syllabus, or contact the instructor or dean. It is the responsibility of the student to have access to the required hardware/software.
Mobile devices, such as tablets or smartphones, may not be sufficient for completing required coursework.
Computer Hardware
- PC or Mac with updated operating system and antivirus protection.
- Multimedia – speakers, microphone, and webcam are recommended and may be required in some courses
Additional Computer Software
- Latest version of Microsoft Office – Wilson CC offers free downloads of the latest version of Microsoft Office and Office 365 to all students and employees at https://www.office.com/getOffice365.
- PDF reader – download free at https://get.adobe.com/reader/. (Note: Uncheck the Optional Offers checkboxes at the Adobe Reader download site to avoid downloading unwanted software).
Internet Connection
Reliable Internet access.
- Up-to-date version of Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, or Safari. You can check to see which browser you are currently using by going to https://www.whatismybrowser.com/.
*Note that the Internet Explorer browser is not supported by the College.