Title Description Start Date End Date
Basic Narcotic Investigation This course is designed to develop the knowledge and introduce basic skills necessary for conducting effective interviews and interrogations. Course content includes applicable law and legal principles; methods, techniques and strategies that may be employed for acquiring factual information; body language and deception, and special techniques for interviewing children. 2025/01/06 2025/01/10
Radar Operator Re-certification Radar Operator Certification is a program offered under the rules and regulations of the North Carolina Criminal Justice Education and Training Standards Commission and requires 100% attendance; therefore officers must be in the classroom at 0800 hours for the start of class. Students must have a current Radar Operator Manual and Supplement at the start of class and a vehicle equipped with a radar unit. Officers field testing on units equipped with front and rear antenna must be prepared to test on full operation of the unit. Agencies can contact the Justice Academy Bookstore (910-525-4151) to obtain necessary copies of the current Radar Operator Manual and Supplement. 2025/01/06 2025/01/07
Law Enforcement Management Institute (Part II) The Coastal Plain Law Enforcement Management Institute is a unique learning opportunity for mid and uppler level managers of law enforcement agencies. The class sessions allow regional law enforcement managers an opportunity and access to law enforcement experts who have attained specialized skills and knowledge in their respective fields. The program emphasizes four key ares of management: Managing YOURSELF, Managing YOUR RESOURCES, Managing YOUR PEOPLE and Managing YOUR COMMUNITY. The Law Enforcement Management Institue is designed to provide students with in-service training in two-day sessions over a seven-month period in order to minimize the amount of time spent away from their respective departments. Course Outlien: Orientation and Project Guidelines 8 hours; Professionalism & Accountability 8 hours, Policy and Procedure 16 hours; Public Safety Managers and Supervisors Leadership Development 16 hours; The Ethical Organization 16 hours; Pre-Project Presentation 9 hours; Presentation Skills 8 hours; Situational Leadership 16 hours; Mentoring New Employees 16 hours; Supervising Problem Employees 16 hours, Personnel Law Issues 16 hours, Supervisior Liability for Public Safety 16 hours; Budgeting 16 hours; Media Relations 16 hours and Project Presentations 16 hours. 2025/01/09 2025/03/08
Developing and Using Criminal Evidence This course is designed to train criminal investigators and crime scene technicians in methods and techniques utilized to process crime scenes for physical evidence. Course content includes securing and protecting the scene, scene searches, recognition of evidence, photography and sketching, evidence collection and preservation, use of specialized equipment and techniques, marking evidence for identification, packaging and labeling evidence, forensic lab coordination, and case preparation. Lecture, demonstration and practical exercises are utilized as the primary methods of instruction. 2025/01/13 2025/01/16
Officer Survival: Robbery Response This unit of officer survival establishes sound strategies, principles, tactics and procedures for responding to known or suspected robbery in-progress calls. Students will need their handcuffs and duty belts but no weapons for this training 2025/01/14 2025/01/14
Advanced Roadside Impaired Driving Enforcement (A.R.I.D.E.) This course will train law enforcement officers to observe, identify and articulate the signs of impairment related to drugs, alcohol, or combination of both, in order to reduce the number of impaired driving incidents as well as crashes which result in serious injuries and fatalities. 2025/01/15 2025/01/16
Police Law Institute The goal of this course is to provide the skills necessary to conduct enforcement activities associated with search warrants, warrantless searches, interviews, eyewitness identifications and nontestimonial identification orders and to avoid liability while conducting such activities. Attendance is required at all class sessions. The student must participate in class and practical exercises, successfully prepare search warrants and nontestimonial orders and successfully attain a required score on a written examination administered by personnel from the North Carolina Justice Academy. Students are required to have the most recent copy of the textbook "Arrest Search and Investigation in North Carolina " written by Robert Farb, and supplemental books, available from the NCJA Bookstore, Telephone 910-525-4151. Reading and other assignments will need to be completed in the student's evening hours. 2025/01/21 2025/01/31
SFST Refresher This course is designed to refresh patrol officer on the methods, techniques and strategies utilized in detecting impaired drivers and establishing evidence necessary for successful prosecution. 2025/01/21 2025/01/21
Cellular Phone Analysis In this three day 20 hour course, officers will be exposed to the basic knowledge of social media and cellular information and records and how those records can be obtained and used as part of a crimeinal investigation.. 2025/01/21 2025/01/23
Cold Case (Homicide) Investigation This course is designed to provide the investigator with an overview of the cold case methodology and protocol. A wide range of investigative steps, to include the use of non-traditional investigative techniques and the latest forensic techniques will be covered in-depth during the course of instruction. upon completion of this course the investigator will have a sound knowledge ofhow to prepare and conduct a cold homicide investigation. 2025/01/28 2025/01/30
Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) Training CIT is a 40 hour training designed to assist our first responders who respond to incidents involving individuals with a mental health or substance use crisis, and those with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Officers will learn to identify and effectively interact with people who have mental illness, intellectual or developmental disabilities, and/or addictions, basic medication awareness, verbal de-escalation skills and awareness of community resources. 2025/02/03 2025/02/07
Digital Photography This course is designed to provide the student with the working knowledge of a digital camera, and how to use it effectively as a tool in criminal investigation. 2025/02/03 2025/02/05
Telecommunicator Certification Course (TCC) NC Sheriff's Training and Stnadards TCC training 2025/02/03 2025/02/11
Officer Survival: Domestic Violence Response This unit of officer survival provides information, strategies and techniques for responding to and managing incidents of domestic unrest and violence. Students will need their handcuffs and duty belts but no weapons for training. This class will include Force on Force pracical exercises. 2025/02/04 2025/02/04
Rapid Deployment This class is designed to teach the student the new "rapid deployment technique". This response technique can be utilized by tactical teams and line officers when responding to the scene of an active shoooter in any large structure such as a school or office building. Classroom instruction and practical exercises are taught during afternoon hours. Class is limited to 24 students. Students will need their duty belt and flashlight for training. 2025/02/05 2025/02/06
Case Management (New Date) This course will provide law enforcement officers with the skills to; construct a case file, demonstrate how to take proper case notes, explain how to take proper statements, demonstrate how to properly document document evidence obtained during an investigation, demonstrate how to write a case summary and identify what is needed in a District Report. 2025/02/10 2025/02/10
Radar Operator Certification Radar Operator Certification is a program offered under the rules and regulations of the North Carolina Criminal Justice Education and Training Standards Commission and requires 100% attendance; therefore officers must be in the classroom at 0800 hours for the start of class. Students must have a current Radar Operator Manual and Supplement at the start of class and a vehicle equipped with a radar unit. Officers field testing on units equipped with front and rear antenna must be prepared to test on full operation of the unit. Agencies can contact the Justice Academy Bookstore (910-525-4151) to obtain necessary copies of the current Radar Operator Manual and Supplement. 2025/02/10 2025/02/14
DWI Detection & SFST This course is designed to introduce the patrol officer to methods, techniques, and strategies utilized in detecting impaired drivers and establishing evidence necessary for successful prosecution. Standardized methods of field sobriety testing are introduced, and students are taught techniques of Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus in establishing evidence of impairment. Practical exercises and controlled drinking exercises take place during the afternoon and evening hours of the class. 2025/02/11 2025/02/13
First Line Supervision This course is designed for officers who are newly assigned to supervisory positions and/or officers serving in supervisory positions without any formal training. Concepts and techniques that have been effectively utilized in the management of human resources are introduced. Instruction will focus on determining an officer's communication/personality traits through a Myers-Briggs assessment, communications skills, legal aspects of supervision, supervising the problem employee, supervision of search and seizure situations, and performance evaluations. Students will need a 3-ring binder to collect lesson plans and handouts through out the week. 2025/02/17 2025/02/21
First Line Supervision This course is designed for officers who are newly assigned to supervisory positions and/or officers serving in supervisory positions without any formal training. Concepts and techniques that have been effectively utilized in the management of human resources are introduced. Instruction will focus on determining an officer's communication/personality traits through a Myers-Briggs assessment, communications skills, legal aspects of supervision, supervising the problem employee, supervision of search and seizure situations, and performance evaluations. Students will need a 3-ring binder to collect lesson plans and handouts through out the week. 2025/02/17 2025/02/21
Basic Criminal Investigation This course is designed to provide the initial training of a police officer that is responsible for conducting general criminal investigations. The course will expose the student to a variety of successful investigative techniques utilized during the preliminary scene investigation, the follow-up investigation, apprehension, and case preparation. If departments will allow it, students should bring an open criminal investigation case file to class. 2025/02/17 2025/02/21
Basic Tactical Shield This course highlights the use of police ballistic shields and the advantages shields offer to an agency and officer. Officers use shields in various situations that carry a high risk of injury or death from thrown or fired projectiles. The tactical users of shields will be discussed and demonstrated during the course and students will participate in a variety of practical exercises. For course participation students will need their handgun, 350 rounds of ammo, duty belt, eye and ear protection, helmet, ballistic vest and body armor, tactical gear is optional. 2025/02/19 2025/02/20
Basic Interview & Interrogation This course is designed to develop the knowledge and introduce basic skills necessary for conducting effective interviews and interrogations. Course content includes applicable law and legal principles; 2025/02/24 2025/02/28
Sexual Assault Investigation By its very nature, most sexual assaults occur in private, that is without witnesses to the crime and occur when there is some kind of relationship between the offender and the victim. The defense is “nothing like that happened” or the victim consented rather than revisited. Additionally, victims may wait before reporting the crime to the police. These circumstances may make it very difficult to successfully prosecute the offender for his crimes. Research and experience has shown that the completeness and accuracy of victims’ accounts are important factors in whether or not the case is solved. However, victims’ reports of crimes, particularly involving sexual assault and domestic violence, are sometimes known to be incomplete and partially incorrect, often viewed by others as “unreliable”. This course will explore the ways of determining when a victim or witness is mistaken or has memory gaps due to fear, anger, shame, guilt, psychological and physical trauma, and alcohol and drug intoxication. Also covered in depth are various investigative techniques including pretext telephone calls, search warrant applications, victim interviews, compliant victims of sexual assault, late reported sexual assaults, case preparation to present for prosecution. Particular attention is given to investigation of “late reported” sexual assaults 2025/02/26 2025/02/27
Basic crime Scene Management This course is designed to familiarize law enforcement personnel with basic fundamentals of photography, conducting a crime scene search, as well as recognizing, collecting, and preserving physical evidence. 2025/03/03 2025/03/05
Advanced Roadside Impaired Driving Enforcement (A.R.I.D.E.) This course will train law enforcement officers to observe, identify and articulate the signs of impairment related to drugs, alcohol, or combination of both, in order to reduce the number of impaired driving incidents as well as crashes which result in serious injuries and fatalities. 2025/03/03 2025/03/04
Drug Enforcement for Patrol Officers This course provides information to law enforcement officers on drug trends, North Carolina drug laws, patrol drug enforcement tactics, roadside interviews, search and seizure laws, drug identification, substance field testing, evidence collection, vehicle search techniques, and officer survival skills. 2025/03/04 2025/03/06
Liability for Supervisors This class will familiarixze students with the additional exposures to liability that result from supervisoring law enforcement personnell. 2025/03/10 2025/03/11
Academic Checklist Prep (For CJ Instructor Training) This course is designed to prepare Criminal Justice Instructors with the tool to navigate MS Word and to prepare PowerPoints for the CJ Instructor Training Course. This course is mandatory for all students taking the General Instructor class. 2025/03/10 2025/03/10
Criminal Justice Instructor Training This is course is designed to provide the law enforcement officer with a fundamental background in theTh instruction of other law enforcement personnel. Successful completion of this course allows the student to apply to the Criminal Justice Training and Standards Division for certification as a law enforcement instructor. Each trainee is require to research, develop, and deliver an 80 minute lesson plan as part of meeting course requirements. Trainees must successfully pass the State-administered written exam as well as demonstrate competency in all skill areas in order to be eligible for certification as a criminal justice instructor. 2025/03/11 2025/03/28
Community Policing This course will cover the following subject matter: Overview the history of Community Policing, Identifying Today's Policing Challenges, Police Strategies, Problem Solving with SARA, Relationship between social disorder and community engagement, steps law enforcement agencies can take to improve citizen satisfaction. 2025/03/11 2025/03/11
Search Warrant Prep This course will provide the skills necessary to conduct enforcement activities associated with search warrants, and to prepare such warrants. 2025/03/12 2025/03/13
Canine Law This course is designed to expose students to the legal issues involved with the use of canines. At the end of the course, the student will: understand the law of force, including deadly force; comprehend the legal issues facing canine officers; be able to discuss constitutional issues commonly arising withthe use of canines and discuss ways to limit civil liability, including qualified immunity. 2025/03/14 2025/03/14
Field Training Officer Training (FTO) This course is designed to prepare experienced officers for the task of training newly hired employees who have successfully completed BLET. Course content includes the role of the field training officer, the training function, interpersonal communication skills, ethics, civil liability, report writing and evaluations, leadership skills, performance evaluations, principles of counseling, and problem solving 2025/03/31 2025/04/04
Advanced Interview and Interrogation This course is for officers who have previously attended the Basic Interview and Interrogation course and is designed to enhance the skills and techniques covered in the basic course. Students will work on developing their skills to obtain complete, accurate and truthful information from suspects, witnesses, and victims. 2025/04/07 2025/04/11
Officer Survival: Building search Tactics This unit of officer survival establishes effective strategies and techniques for responding, approaching, entering, maneuvering, searching and surviving a high risk building searches. Students will need handcuffs, and duty belts, but no firearms. 2025/04/08 2025/04/08
Basic S.W.A.T. This is the BasicS.W.A.T. course that will cover every area of tactics for a basic operator. This will be an intense course that will be physically and mentally demanding. Some of the taactical areas taat will be covered is an overview of S.W.A.T. physical fitness for the S.W.A.T. operator, CBQ Thresh hold evaluation, tactical dynamic and static room clearing, combative fighting for close quarters with and without weapons, tactical firearms (handguns, rifles, submachine gun), ballistic shields, down man rescue, entry drills, dry/live fire, vehicle takedowns, legal issues for S.W.A.T. operators, S.W.A.T. callouts during night operations dry/live fire evolutions, use of tactical Robot, SIMS evolutions and several more intense block of instructions. Equipment needed: 1. Duty handgun and holster; 2. If available duty rifle, submachine gun; 3. Gas mask mandatory with filter; 4. Tactical entry and protective kit including helmet (TACTICAL GEAR); 5. If available elbow and knee pads; 6. 1 of each - smoke, gas CN or CS and flash bang; 7. Ammo - handgun - 450 rounds; 8. Ammo - submachine gun - 350 rounds; 10. Flashlight/secondary light; 11. Ballistic shield; 12. Rap around eye protection, hearing protection is mandatory; 13. Ballistic vest or tactical ves is mandatory (helmet); 14. Recommend gloves, boots, baseball style hat, BDU style pants; 15. Plenty of water; 16. Outlines are mandatory - will be handed out in classroom or on college website; 17. SIMS handgun 9mm, 50 rounds or SIMS if available. 2025/04/14 2025/04/17
Officer Survival: Vehicle Stops This unit of officer survival establishes sound strategies, principles, policies and procedures for conducting both known high risk vehicle stops and unknown risk stops. Students will need their handcuffs and duty belts but no weapons for training. The class schedule includes evening exercises . 2025/04/17 2024/04/17
Fugitive Apprehension he class is two full days and one full evening / night of training. Topics covered include, but are not limited to: nomenclature, assembly, disassembly, cleaning, maintenance, ballistics, best practices regarding proper application and deployment of the weapon system, malfunctions, reloads, and practical use of the weapon system in a real life, dynamic environment from a law enforcement perspective, and legal considerations. Officers will also qualify on the weapon using a qualification course that has been vetted by the NCJA as being one of the only quals in the state that accurately mimics real world conditions and use of the weapon. The class is taught by IBX Tactical, LLC. which is comprised of current NC law enforcement officers with a vast amount of expertise in this subject area. These are seasoned and vetted instructors with real-world experience using and deploying this weapon system in law enforcement environments and encounters. 2025/04/21 2025/04/25
Ground Defense This class is designed to expand on the concepts of basic ground defense to include the use of advanced level ground techniques as well as the S.P.E.A.R. system to avoid takedowns and quickly penetrate and move suspects in raid type situations. 2025/04/28 2025/04/29
Basic Gang Investigation This 3-day course provides basic, entry-level training for those who are assigned to work with street gangs. Instruction on how to recognize and identify gang members and gang insagnia, ways to develop sources of information about gang activities within the community, and multijurisdictional approaches to gang investigations. Who Should Attend: Training is offered to sworn officers afrom North Carolina. Officer/Investigators/Detectives or Agents that have limited experience, but little formal training in street gang investigations, to include Detention/Corrections. 2025/04/28 2025/04/30
School Rampage Shooter Training What causes a “normal” teen to becoming a mass murderer? Can they be predicted and prevented? This course examines the various theories of the cause of school shooters, warning signs, assessment and interventions. This course can stand alone or be combined with the course on threat assessment. This course can also include case study presentations of two would be mass murderers. One who planned to use homemade destructive devices rather than firearms, another 14 years old and was subsequently tried as an adult. 2025/04/30 2025/05/01
Radar Operator Re-Certification Radar Operator Certification is a program offered under the rules and regulations of the North Carolina Criminal Justice Education and Training Standards Commission and requires 100% attendance; therefore officers must be in the classroom at 0800 hours for the start of class. Students must have a current Radar Operator Manual and Supplement at the start of class and a vehicle equipped with a radar unit. Officers field testing on units equipped with front and rear antenna must be prepared to test on full operation of the unit. Agencies can contact the Justice Academy Bookstore (910-525-4151) to obtain necessary copies of the current Radar Operator Manual and Supplement. 2025/05/12 2025/05/13
Advanced Ground Defense This class is designed to expand on the concepts of basic ground defense to include the use of advanced level ground techniques as well as the S.P.E.A.R. system to avoid takedowns and quickly penetrate and move suspects in raid type situations. 2025/05/27 2025/05/29
Police Law Institute (PLI) The goal of this course is to provide the skills necessary to conduct enforcement activities associated with search warrants, warrantless searches, interviews, eyewitness identifications and nontestimonial identification orders and to avoid liability while conducting such activities. Attendance is required at all class sessions. The student must participate in class and practical exercises, successfully prepare search warrants and nontestimonial orders and successfully attain a required score on a written examination administered by personnel rom the North Carolina Justice Academy. Students are required to have the most recent copy of the textbook "Arrest Search and Investigation in North Carolina " written by Robert Farb, and supplemental books, available from the NCJA Bookstore, Telephone 910-926-6099. Reading and other assignments will need to be completed in the student's evening hours. 2025/06/02 2025/06/13
Direct Threat Engagement This course is designed to instruct law enforcement officers in direct threat engagement and shooting fundamentals as well as the basic medical care interventions that will help save an injured officer and emergency responder’s life until a higher level of care can be safely performed. The course combines the principles of PHTLS and Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC) and Tactical Emergency Casualty Care (TECC) guidelines. Course participants will learn life-saving medical actions that focus on saving “preventable deaths” while achieving three primary goals: stop the threat, treat the casualty, and continue the mission. Skills being taught will include, bleeding control with a tourniquet, use of hemostatic agents, basic wound management and basic casualty airway management. 2025/06/04 2025/06/05
Advanced S.W.A.T. This is the Advanced S.W.A.T. course that will cover every area of tactics for a basic operator. This will be an intense course that will be physically and mentally demanding. Some of the tactical areas that will be covered is an overview of S.W.A.T. physical fitness for the S.W.A.T. operator, CBQ Thresh hold evaluation, tactical dynamic and static room clearing, combative fighting for close quarters with and without weapons, tactical firearms (handguns, rifles, submachine gun), ballistic shields, down man rescue, entry drills, dry/live fire, vehicle takedowns, legal issues for S.W.A.T. operators, S.W.A.T. callouts during night operations dry/live fire evolutions, use of tactical Robot, SIMS evolutions and several more intense block of instructions. Equipment needed: 1. Duty handgun and holster; 2. If available duty rifle, submachine gun; 3. Gas mask mandatory with filter; 4. Tactical entry and protective kit including helmet (TACTICAL GEAR); 5. If available elbow and knee pads; 6. 1 of each - smoke, gas CN or CS and flash bang; 7. Ammo - handgun - 450 rounds; 8. Ammo - submachine gun - 350 rounds; 10. Flashlight/secondary light; 11. Ballistic shield; 12. Rap around eye protection, hearing protection is mandatory; 13. Ballistic vest or tactical ves is mandatory (helmet); 14. Recommend gloves, boots, baseball style hat, BDU style pants; 15. Plenty of water; 16. Outlines are mandatory - will be handed out in classroom or on college website; 17. SIMS handgun 9mm, 50 rounds or SIMS if available. 2025/06/16 2025/06/20
Radar Operator Certification Radar Operator certification is a program offered under the rules and regulations of the North Carolina Criminal Justice Education and Training Standards Commission and requires 100% attendance; therefore officers must be in the classroom at 0800 hours for registration. Students must have a current Radar Operator Manual and Supplement at the start of class and a vehicle equipped with a radar unit (allow one vehicle for every three officers). Officers field testing on units equipped with front and rear antenna must be prepared to test on the full operation of the unit. Agencies should contact eh justice Academy Bookstore (910 525-4151) to obtain necessary copies of the Current Radar Manual and Supplement in time to have them for class. Manuals are not available in Wilson Tech's Bookstore. 2025/06/16 2025/06/20
DWI Detection & SFST This course is designed to introduce the patrol officer to methods, techniques, and strategies utilized in detecting impaired drivers and establishing evidence necessary for successful prosecution. Standardized methods of field sobriety testing are introduced, and students are taught techniques of Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus in establishing evidence of impairment. Practical exercises and controlled drinking exercises take place during the afternoon and evening hours of the class. 2025/06/17 2025/06/19
CIT Crisis Intervention Team Training CIT is a 40 hour training designed to assist our first responders who respond to incidents involving individuals with a mental health or substance use crisis, and those with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Officers will learn to identify and effectively interact with people who have mental illness, intellectual or developmental disabilities, and/or addictions, basic medication awareness, verbal de-escalation skills and awareness of community resources. 2025/06/23 2025/06/27
School Resource Officer Law This course will present students with guidelines on operating as a school resource officer as it relates to the fourth amendment and other legal issues concernig juveniles and law enforcement. 2025/07/24 2025/07/25
School Resource Officer Training NCJA Commission approved SRO certification. This course will present students with guidelines on operating as a school resource officer as it relates to the fourth amendment and other legal issues concerning juveniles and law enforcement. 2025/08/04 2025/08/08
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Due to the threat of severe weather, the College will be closed on Friday, September 27, 2024.