PTK Induction Ceremony

DelMastro Auditorium

For more information, contact Jill Murphy at 252-246-1370 or

PTK Induction Ceremony

DelMastro Auditorium

For more information, contact Jill Murphy at 252-246-1370 or

WCC Chorus Dress Rehearsal

DelMastro Auditorium

For more information, contact Sandy Pittman at 252-246-1266 or

WCC Chorus Concert

DelMastro Auditorium

For more information, contact Sandy Pittman at 252-246-1266 or

ADN Pinning Practice

DelMastro Auditorium

For more information, contact Miranda Yelverton at 252-246-1333 or

PN Pinning Practice

DelMastro Auditorium

For more information, contact Miranda Yelverton at 252-246-1333 or

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Weather Update

Due to the threat of inclement weather, WCC will be closed on Friday, February 21. Instruction will shift to remote learning and staff members will respond to inquiries by phone and email. Weekend classes will run as scheduled.