Wilson Workforce Center Job Fair

Eagles Center

Connect with over 26 employers, explore career opportunities, and take advantage of on-the-spot interviews.  Attendees are encouraged to register at NCWorks.gov.For more information, contact Teresa Lucas at the Wilson Workforce Center at 252-246-1298 or tlucas@wilsoncc.edu.The Wilson Workforce Center Job Fair is put on with the support of WCC's Workforce Development and the SGA.

Red Cross Blood Drive

Eagles Center

Visit redcrossblood.org and use the sponsor code WilsonCC to register.

Let’s Connect (ECU/WCC)

Eagles Center

LET’S CONNECT WILSON COUNTY is a partnership between ECU and WCC to provide a college knowledge presentation to ALL middle school, high school, community college students, AND their families.  Free food and t-shirts while supplies last!   For more information, contact Josh Harris at 252-246-1271 or jharris@wilsoncc.edu.

SSS Recognition Luncheon

Eagles Center

Details about all SSS events will be available in Moodle. For more information, contact the TRiO office at 252-246-1256 or trio@wilsoncc.edu.

Community Health Fair

Eagles Center

For more information, contact Miranda Yelverton at 252-246-1333 or myelverton@wilsoncc.edu.

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Weather Update

Due to the threat of inclement weather, WCC will be closed on Friday, February 21. Instruction will shift to remote learning and staff members will respond to inquiries by phone and email. Weekend classes will run as scheduled.